
Prevention of Cadets’ Moral Alienation under the PersonalityDeveloping Approach in Professional Education (Case Study of Professional Education of Future Specialists of the Penal System)

Kovtunenko L.V., Meshcheryakova E.I.

Prospects for Digitalization of Sentencing and Execution of Punishment

Sargsyan A.A.

Protected by Criminal Law, Historical Memory of the Peoples of the Russian Federation of the World War II and the Great Patriotic War: Experience of Sociological Research

Shamsunov S.K., Merkur'ev V.V., Agapov P.V., Novikov A.V., Radchenko T.V., Sheveleva K.V.

Distinctive Features of Resuming Criminal Proceedings due to New or Newly-Revealed Circumstances

Shatalov A.S.

Data on the Injured Convict: Following Results of the Investigation of Crimes Related to Intentional Infliction of Harm to Life and Health Committed in Places of Deprivation of Liberty

Dechkin O.M., Shurukhnov N.G.

Probation Service in Russia: Policy Choice and Development Prospects

Starostin S.A., Aniskina N.V.

Probation in the Russian Federation: Some Problems of the Content and Legal Regulation

Golodov P.V.

On Taking into Account the Victim’s View in The Process of Differentiation and Individualization of Criminal Punishment

Kruglikov L.L.

Life Plans of Convicts Serving Sentences in the General Regime Correctional Facility

Ganishina I.S., Rusakov S.V.

Types of Forensic Methods for Investigating Crimes Committed in Penitentiary Institutions by Degree of Generality

Akchurin A.V.

Introduction to Ethnocriminology

Antonyan Y.M.

Is There Any Reason to Single Out Penitentiary Law in the System of Russian Law?

Mel’nikova N.A., Bobrov A.M.

Punishment of Persons Convicted of Economic (Business) Crimes and Malfeasance in Office, in the Assessment of the Public and Professionals

Seliverstov V.I.

Theoretical, Legal and Organizational Foundations of Volunteer Activities in the Field of Social Adaptation of Individuals Sentenced to Non-Custodial Punishment in Russia

Babayan S.L., Ol’khovik N.V., Fadeeva S.A., Lakina I.A., Pitkevich L.P.

Verification of Reports on Prison-Related Crimes in the Context of Ensuring the Rights and Legitimate Interests of Convicts

Shatalov A.S.

Legal Regulation and Organization of the Work of Management Subjects Related to the Dismissal of Employees of the Penal System of the Russian Federation due to the Loss of Trust

Zavitova S.V., Mel’nikova N.A.

Legislative Regulation of the Activities of Intelligence-Gathering Units of the Penal System in Ensuring the Execution of Punishment

Ivan’kov I.A.

Administrative Restraint Measures Applied by Employees of the Penal System of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Commission of an Administrative Offense

Starostin S.A., Aniskina N.V.

Features of Mental Stability of Security Department Staff with Different Duration of Service in the Penal System of the Russian Federation

Sobolev N.G., Chirkov А.М., Potemkin P.V., Malyshev K.B.

The Use of Psychological Correction Programs to Improve the Occupational Fitness of Correctional Personnel

Minina I.N., Gribanova D.Y.

Practice-Oriented Training in Higher Education Institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Zautorova E.V., Bodrova E.V.

Pedagogical Aspects Related to the Prevention of Professional Marginalism as a Dangerous Psychological Phenomenon in Educational Process at Departmental Universities

Kovtunenko L.V., Meshcheryakova E.I., Khlopovskikh Y.G.

Prospects of Legal Regulation and Algorithm for Marking Generative Content

Bodrov N.F., Lebedeva A.K.

Measure Thy Cloth Ten Times (Arguments about Reducing the Age of Criminal Liability to 12 Years)

Abdulin R.S.

On Journalism of the Russian Diaspora

Starodubtsev G.S.

Socio-Political Factors Influencing Achievement of the Criminal Punishment Goal to Prevent New Crime Commission

Akimenko P.A.

Victimity as a Penitentiary Conflictogenity Factor

Romashov R.A.

Ways to Improve the Application of Early Release from Serving a Sentence

Babayan S.L., Brilliantov A.V.

Organization and Activity of the Soviet Convoy Guard in the Early 1950s

Epifanov A.E.

Problems of Understanding, Registering, Systematizing Sources of Modern Russian Penitentiary Law: Review of Reports and Speeches of Participants of the Interregional Round Table “Sources of Modern Penitentiary Law of Russia” (Vologda, Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, January 17, 2023)

Kirilovskaya N.N., Svinin E.V., Romashov R.A.

Penitentiary Law: Phenomenology and Consistency

Romashov R.A.

Digital Transformation of the Modern Russian State: Current Issues of Statutory Regulation

Vorobyov S.M., Mel’nikova O.V., Ivliev P.V.

Serial Murders

Antonyan Y.M.

Transformation of the Image Status of the Penal System in the Context of the Cyclical Political Genesis of Russia

Ermolaev I.A., Korobov A.N., Panchenko V.Y., Petruchak L.A., Romashov R.A.

Features of Legal Perception of the Phenomena of Extremism and Terrorism in Different Mental Civilizations: General Theoretical and Historical-Philosophical Aspects

Khaadi T.A., Oganesyan S.S.

The Role of the Public in Prison Transformations of the 19th Century in Russia

Belyaeva L.I.

Criminal policy in determination and implementation of punishment: contradiction between modal and practice

Naumov A.V.

Reality of criminal-legal statistics of crime

Gavrilov B.Y.

Тhе description of some criminal offences regarded as crimes against health

Kruglikov L.L.

Criminological, victimological and penitentiary problems of the juvenile

Лунеев В.В.

On ethno-cultural causes of crime

Bagreeva E.G.

The criminal-legal meaning of psychic development delay without connection with psychic derangement (“age derangement”)

Spasennikov B.A., Попов В.В.

Features of the legal grounds for detention differentiation of criminal responsibility

Lapshin V.F., Kruglikov L.L.

The categories of «sanity» and «insanity» in the criminal law and in Russia XIX – early XX century

Molchanov B.A., Antsiferova J.S.

Improvement of the criminal law regulations providing for delay of a punishment (Art. 82, Criminal Code of the RF)

Kruglikov L.L., Chernyshkova L.Y.

Punishment of a socially dangerous action in terms of changing criminal law

Kozachenko I.Y., Kozachenko E.В.

International legal regulation of fight against corruption at universal level

Pidzhakov A.U., Mishalchenko Y.V.

Criminal penalties for juveniles and their impact on correction of convicts

Zubkova V.I.

Commission of crime together with minors: classification issues

Kruglikov L.L.

The involvement of a minor to commit a crime: new solutions and new problems

Pudovochkin Y.E.

The peculiarities of the criminological prognostication using information contained in the united data bank record of the convicted, the suspected and the accused

Lebedev A.V., Goroshko I.V.

International legal regulation of fight against corruption at regional level

Pidzhakov A.U., Mishalchenko Y.V.

Characteristics of men serving sentences in penal colonies of Russia (sociological research)

Egelsky V.A., Smirnov A.M.

Classification features of criminal professionalism implemented at the place of stay

Tulegenov V.V.

Penal and Legal Doctrine as a Legal Category and a Metalanguage Means to Shape the Penal and Legal Policy

Lapshin V.E., Hakhanov V.V.

Criminological assessment of social effects of corruption

Ivantsov S.V., Domnikov A.S.

Amnesty and pardon as the types of state pardon of guilt

Romashov R.A.

Goals of the criminal responsibility during the realization of the deferment of sentence (art. 82 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation)

Krasilnikova M.S.

Development of the Chinese legal system: on the issue of combining law and morality

Balchindorzhieva O.B., Myakhanova A.N., Skiba A.P.

On the criteria of cruelty in penal law

Kruglikov L.L.

Problems of stress and adaptation in prison psychology

Baburin S.V.

Some aspects reflection of murders reflection kills in a system of legal and other social norms

Golovkin R.B.

Enforcement as a effectiveness criterion of legal regulation

Strogovich Y.N., Pervozvansky V.B., Zhilyaev R.M., Antipov A.N.

Regime of punishment implementation of imprisonment

Yuzhanin V.E.

Dynamics of the criminal situation in Russia in the mirror of official statistics and public opinion

Popova V.I., Morev M.V.

Aggravating circumstances

Kuznetsov A.P.

Ensuring freedom of conscience and freedom of religion of the convicted in the states – participants of the CIS

Belyaeva L.I.

Crimes against life in the Criminal Code of Russia and the Criminal Code of Austria: similarities and differences

Rastoropov S.V.

The philosophy of penal law as a metafenomenal basis of the penal system

Lapshin V.E., Shakhanov V.V.

Ensuring the personal safety of minors sentenced to imprisonment

Malikov B.Z.

On the question of preventive work with convicts who are registered in the penal inspections

Babayan S.L.

Theory of Fair Punishment (between Kant and the utilitarians)

Shaveko N.A.

Some ways to evade compulsory labor by inmates in prisons in the 30-ies years of the XX century

Kuzmin S.I., Yakushina E.S.

Differentiation of responsibility for sexual crimes involving minors

Kruglikov L.L., Santashov A.L., Patrahina K.B.

System-forming signs of state service in the law enforcement sphere

Nagornykh R.V.

Changing the conditions of serving imprisonment in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus: historical aspect

Oboturova N.S.

System of state service in the law enforcement area and its administrative and legal content

Nagornykh R.V.

Analysis of the re-criminality of convicts sentenced to punishment and criminal law measures without isolation from society and measures for its prevention

Babayan S.L., Anfinogenov V.A.

Infringements on the prison officer: reasons and warning

Belyaeva L.I.

Transformation of the institution of the prosecutor’s office during the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War of 1918–1922 in Russia

Zainutdinov D.R.

Problems and practice of execution the criminal punishment connected with deprivation of the right to drive vehicles

Borovikov S.A., Chzhan Y.A.

The problem of human rights in the context of the ideas of humanism and transhumanism

Oboturova N.S.

Describing the Specifics of the Concept and Role of Legal Technique in the Development of Penitentiary Law at the Present Stage

Karpunina V.V.

Improving the System of Social Guarantees for Employees of the Penal System of the Russian Federation

Aniskina N.V.

Fraud: Correspondence of a Large and Grand Size to the Degree of Public Danger Originally Laid Down by the Legislator

Avdeeva E.V.

Professional Skill Contests as a Means of Professional Development and Self-Realization of Higher School Teachers

Batova o.s.

Nationalism: Essence, Issues of Prevention and Counteraction in Bodies and Institutions of the Russian Penal System

Oganesyan S.S.

Prohibition of War Propaganda in International and Russian Law

Dzeitova R.B.

The Concept and Implementation of Personal Responsibility: Theoretical and Procedural Aspect (on the Example of Article 113 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

Samusevich A.G.

On Some Urgent Problems of Prevention and Counteraction to Extremist and Terrorist Ideas in the Russian Penal System

Oganesyan S.S., Shamsunov S.K.

Optimal Sanction of the Criminal Law Norm: Stating the Problem

Aleksandrova V.V.

Factors Affecting Safe Conditions for Serving Sentences in Economic Maintenance Units of Pre-Trial Detention Facilities

Golubtsova A.I.

Efficiency and Functionality of Public Control over Penal Enforcement System Activities: Discussing the Essence and Identifying Evaluation Criteria

Kuznetsova E.V.

Current State of the Personnel Management System of the Penal Enforcement System

Brykov D.A.

Discrepancy between the Theory and Practice of Crime Prevention

Matskevich I.M.

Conceptual Issues of the Goals of Punishment

Dvoryanskov I.V.

Legal Policy, Legal Order and Civic Oversight in the Penal System

Svinin E.V., Kubyshkin A.N.

Criminal policy. Notion and structure

Ischenko E.P.

Confiscation of property: interpretation and adoption of criminal-legal norms

Pudovochkin Y.E.

Illegal Enterprise (Article 171): соmрlех issues of law enforcement

Klерitskiу I.А., Ivanova Y.Y.

Criminal responsibility and punishment: correlation of the basic categories of the criminal law

Kaplin M.N.

Traditional definition of structure of a crime needs specification

Ivanchin A.V.

Rehabilitation of social justice as the purpose of criminal punishment and its implementation during deprivation

Zubkova V.I.

To the question about the content and types of public crime danger

Antonov A.G.

On the object of a crime under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code

Pavlov А.А.

The objective and subjective factors of corrupt relationships and some political and legal anti-corruption measures in Russia

Malikov B.Z.

General penal crime in the system of penal prevention objects

Uvarov I.A.

Some problems of terminology used in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to determine the age of juveniles

Pichugin S.A., Rudenko A.S.

To the question on the purposes of forced measures of medical character

Spasennikov B.A.

Professional rules and the consequences of their violation: types and correlations

Miroshnichenko N.V.

Towards the question of criminological classification of criminality (crimes)

Novikova J.V.

Financial Crimes in the Structure of Economic Penal Acts

Lapshin V.F.

Conditional conviction as a form of conditional sentence

Malikov B.Z.

Security measures to ensure the personal safety of juvenile offenders in prison

Pakanich S.I.

On the essence of the institute of postponement of punishment for drug addicts

Sysoyev R.A.

A mediation object in bribery

Bukalerova L.A., Gavryushkin Y.B.

Criminal law measures and criminal liability: scientific discussion and search for solutions

Pudovochkin Y.E.

Socially dangerous acts committed by people with mental disorders

Spasennikov B.A.

Crimes in the area of foreign-economic activity: questions of criminal legal reaction

Kuznetsovа N.V.

On the historical experience of preserving the territorial integrity of the state by criminal law means

Naumov A.V.

Improving criminal laws we increase the efficiency of criminal penalties execution

Pervozvansky V.B., Zhilyaev R.M., Antipov A.N., Strogovich Y.N.

On the resocialization of convicts as the goal of ensuring implementation of imprisonment

Yuzhanin V.E.

The problem of determining the weight of postal parcels and transfers for convicts

Seliverstov V.I.

Psychodynamics of individual and typological features and strong-willed personality self-control of juvenile alternatively convicted persons

Sobolev N.G., Krukova E.V.

To the question on criteria of a condition newborn with reference to structure of item 106 of the Сriminal Code of Russian Federation

Dyadyun K.V.

Criminal-law protection of the social relations arising during the execution of criminal penalties of imprisonment

Fedorov V.I.

On the issue of criminal responsibility for malicious evasion of compulsory work, correctional labor, limitation of freedom, receiving orders to be sent to a colony-settlement or not arrived to the place of punishment

Dvoryanskov I.V.

Counteraction of corruption in the sphere of parole application

Pupysheva L.A.

Regulation in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of a formal basis for categorizing crimes and the prospects for its improvement

Ivanchin A.V., Kuleva L.O.

On the question about the necessity of criminal procedure regulation of certain aspects of operational security measures in penal institutions

Krymov A.A.

State protection of employees of the penal system and their relatives: the theoretical and legal aspect

Kirilovsky O.V.

What is crime

Antonyan Y.M.

Formation of the procedural costs from the Russian Truth to legislative acts of Peter the Great

Kolmakov P.A., Stepanov I.A.

Prospects for the return of the misdemeanour in the Russian legislation

Gavrilov B.Y.

The procedure for sending sentenced to arrest to the place of punishment

Shabal V.S.

The concept of «legal advice»

Melnikov A.S., Golovkin R.B.

Legal problems of pension provision for persons who served in bodies and institutions of the penal system and their families

Golodov P.V.

Legal education of convicts: the search for new approaches

Lapshin V.E., Shakhanov V.V.

Major trends of development of the staffing system of the civil service in law enforcement agencies of foreign countries

Nagornykh R.V.

Formation and development of criminal subculture in Russia

Kuzmin S.I.

To the realization of the need for the philosophy of the law branches (reflections on some debatable issues posed in the monograph by S. A. Bochkarev “Philosophy of criminal law: questioning”)

Lapshin V.E., Shakhanov V.V.

Problems of preventing the entry of prohibited items into the territory of the penal system institutions and ways to solve them

Gorban’ D.V.

Features of staffing correctional labor institutions in the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War

Izyumskaya I.L.

Differentiation of Liability and Legislative Technique as Key Areas of Scientific Research of the Yaroslavl Criminal Law School (Case Study of Dissertation Research by Representatives of the Northwestern Region)

Lapshin V.F., Nekrasov V.N.

Forced Feeding and Artificial Feeding of Convicts: Terminological Dispute or Substantive Difference

Avdyukhin S.A.

Post-Penitentiary Probation: Conceptual Principles

Dvoryanskov I.V.

On the Experience of Countering Riots in Russian Penitentiary Institutions at the Turn of the XIX–XX Centuries

Epifanov A.E.

Informal Learning of Novice Teachers of Higher Education Institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service as a Factor in the Development of Their Teaching Competencies

Aleksandrova N.S., Faleeva L.V.

Higher Education for Convicts Provided in Foreign Correctional Institutions with the Help of Distance Learning Technologies

El'chaninova O.Y.

Analyzing the Russian Penitentiary Legislation of the Pre-Revolutionary and Soviet Periods

Yakovets E.N.

Enhancing the Penal Legislation in Modern Conditions: Key Factors and Directions

Seliverstov V.I.

Some Problems of Modern Legal Education in the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation

Sargsyan A.A., Avetisyan S.S.

Criminal Legal Impact: Features, Forms, and Issues of Implementation

Barkhatova E.N.

Rationality of Coercion as a Principle to Regulate Execution of Prison Sentences

Utkin V.A.

Procedural Code of the Russian Federation: Evaluation of Effectiveness and Measures for Its Improvement

Gavrilov B.Y.

Digital Currency and Novelties in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: Topical Issues

Mochalkina I.S.

Consideration of Petitions for Pardon in the Russian Federation: Novelties of 2020

Seliverstov V.I.

Organizational and tactical principles of execution the imprisonment of convicted persons with socially significant diseases

Kopytkin S.A., Gorovoy V.V.

Budget means as a subject of the crime envisaged by article 285.1 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation

Yefremov R.S.

Offences against law among officers of criminal-executive system and its preventative measures

Salatin А.V.

Тhе current state of Russian lawmaking and the improvement of the system of criminal sentencing

Sysoev A.M.

Responsibility for disorganization of normal activity of the institutions, providing isolation from society

Kuznetsov A.P.

Criminal – legal protection of public relations from extremist encroachments: problems and perspectives

Sysoev A.M.

Causes and circumstances analysis of repeat offenses of the offenders sentenced to the measures without isolation

Pichugin S.A., Zvonov A.V.

Theoretical and practical implications of criminological study of organized crime entities early youth age

Sokolov M.A.

Criminological characteristics of persons committing mob justice in Russia

Smirnov А.М.

To the problem of defining the subject of a crime under Art. 321 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation

Kryukova O.Y.

The concept and types of other measures in criminal law

Скрипченко Н.Ю.

Some problems of the criminal-legal policy in the sphere of counteraction against raider crimes

Istomina M.V.

The main stages of evolution of the legal criminal measure system in Russia

Goncharov N.V.

The ways of perfection law regulation of church activity in places of imprisonment

Leshenko V.G.

Some aspects of legal regulation of aggravating circumstances connected with the category of «trust»

Devyatovskaya I.A.

Types of malfeasance committed by officers working in penal system and criminal identity description

Salatin А.V.

Subjective signs of structures of the crimes providing responsibility for illegal extraction of water animals

Ivanova J.B.

About the content of the principle of combining punishment with correctional impact on the convicted to imprisonment

Potapov A.M., Katanov A.V.

Fictitious migration registration: application practice of the Article 322.3 of the Criminal Code of Russia

Utorova T.N.

Criminal policy: the issues of execution in accordance with the penal code of the Russian Federation

Malikov B.Z.

Fine in the System of Punishments for Crimes against Property and Some Issues Related to the Enhancement of Its Effectiveness

Azarova I.V., Dvoryanskov I.V.

The issues of offences breaking the turnover rules for precious metals, natural jewels and (or) pearls

Lapshin V.F.

Problems of maternity and child medical protection in the penal system of Russia

Vetrova I.V., Spasennikov B.A., Vorobey S.V.

A qualitative study of the self-legitimacy of prison workers in Slovenian prisons

Meško G.., Hazin R.., Shishigina S.N.

Some aspects of criminal and administrative responsibility for violations of migration legislation of the Russian Federation

Stepanov A.V.

Problems of administrative proceedings of cases on administrative supervision of persons released from prison

Starostin S.A.

Organizational and legal problems of realization by the penal system employers their right to receive monetary compensation for the rental (sublease) of lodging

Derbina O.V.

The mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of the civil service in law enforcement and its content

Nagornykh R.V.

The crime of terrorism: legal content and place in the attempts system against public security

Pavlov A.A.

A person who commits a crime in the sphere of ensuring the obligations by bank guarantees: personality characteristics

Chernyakov S.A.

Criminological knowledge – the basis of management decisions making in the fight against crime

Galahov S.S.

Some questions of interaction of Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with the operational agencies of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Volkov D.Y.

European experience in the transfer of persons sentenced to imprisonment to serve their sentences in their State of nationality

Shabanov V.B.

Ways to improve the incentive impact on life imprisonment convicts

Babayan S.L.

Gaps in the penal law as the consequence of the non-observance of external form of legislative technique

Khramov A.A.

Theoretical and applied problems of individualization of responsibility in criminal and criminal executive law

Santashov A.L., Kruglikov L.L.

On the issue of post-penal resocialization

Babayan S.L.

Social conditionality of the special criminally-legal status of law enforcement officers

Seredin A.A., Kharkovsky E.L.

On some organizational-legal problems arising during the release of persons who have served their sentences in correctional institutions of the penal system

Emelyanova E.V., Matveeva T.P.

On the problems of the forensic psychiatric examination in judicial and investigative practice

Kopytkin S.A., Spasennikov B.A.

Penal colony-settlement – a kind of imprisonment

Yuzhanin V.E.

Peculiarities of contractual relations in the sphere of rendering services of third parts for the needs of the penal system

Shukayeva E.S., Penskoy P.K.

On some problems of unification of administrative procedures

Starostin S.A.

Hierarchical structure in the criminal community

Kuzmin S.I., Yakushina E.S.

Causes of domestic violence

Antonyan Y.M.

Criminal procedural aspects of criminal registration in criminal cases

Dudorov T.D.

On Some Problems of Qualifying Criminally Punishable Mass Riots

Vlasova N.A., Kurguzkina E.B.

Assistance in the Restoration and Strengthening of Social Ties to Persons Subject to Probation: Legal and Organizational Issues

Babayan S.L., Ustinov A.A.

Components of Pedagogical Culture of Teachers at Educational Organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Kirillova T.V.

Significantly about the Insignificant: Practice of Applying Part 2 of Article 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (General Description of the Problem)

Kolokolov N.A.

Describing Manifestation of Aggressive Behavior of Male Convicts of Various Social Status

Cheremisova I.V., Feshchuk Y.I.

Role of Civil Society Institutions in Promoting Law-Abiding Behavior of Female Convicts Serving a Sentence of Imprisonment: Existential, Psychological and Penitentiary Aspects

Kaluzhina M.A., Pukhareva T.S.

Implementing Criminal Punishment Goals in relation to Those Sentenced to Imprisonment for Extremism-Related Crimes

Bukalerova L.A., Kolpakova L.А.

Correlation of Goals and Tasks of Criminal Law, Punishment and Its Execution

Yuzhanin V.E.

Communicative Culture of Cadets – Future Officers as the Basis of Aesthetic Attitude to Professional Activity

Cheremisova I.V.

Changing the Category of Crime by the Court as a Means to Individualize Imposition of Criminal Punishment

Babayants E.A.

Conceptual Aspects of Reforming Russian Criminal Legislation

Dvoryanskov I.V.

Formation and Development of Penitentiary Institutions in Yekaterinodar (Second Half of the 19th–Early 20th Centuries)

Izyumskaya I.L.

Lawful and Unlawful Acts in the System of Legal Facts of Penal Law: Theory of the Issue

Novikov E.E.

Countering Migration Legislation Violations as a Modern Threat to National Security

Samokhvalov I.Y.

Features of imprisonment of insane criminals in Russia in XVII–XVIII centuries

Shalyapin S.O., Plotnikov A.A.

Some trends of criminal executive policy of Russia at the present day stage

Seliverstov V.I.

Juridical feature of plunder

Gerasimova E.V.

Penal Enforcement System staff’s violation of law as аn object of criminological research (definition, types, determinants, predictabilities)

Salatin А.V.

To the problem of the social – legal purpose of the institute of amnesty

Seliverstov I.V.

The limits of criminalization of some publicly dangerous encroachments upon budget legal relationship

Yefremov R.S.

The place features (elements) related to the victim of a crime in the system of the corpus delicti

Shiryaev V.F.

Concept and the legal nature of the institute of the Grant of Parole

Babayan S.L.

On the Limits of the administer penalties and other sanctions application for foreign citizens

Petrova I.A.

Infliction of punishment for forming and participation in organized crime gang

Kisin A.V.

The mechanism of committing mass disorders in the institutions providing custody for convicts, suspects and the accused in commission of crime

Кустов А.М.

Pedagogical, organizational and legal issues of correctional centers

Belyaeva L.I.

The main approaches to the organization of prisons for juvenile convicts in the conceptions of the penal system reformation

Zubarev S.М.

Some ways to solve the problem of social adaptation of discharged from imprisonment

Stahov Y.G.

Juridical position European Court of human rights by interpretation category «inhuman or humiliation dignity treatment»

Kirilovskaya N.N.

Social protection of the population in the Russian Federation: constitutional aspect

Zhuravlyov V.I.

Unfinished crime or the stages of comission of crime

Nekrasov V.N.

The issues of «social elevator system» enforcement among young juveniles in penal institutions

Golodov P.V.

Extradition of a person for a criminal prosecution or execution of sentence (procedural aspects)

Shatalov A.S.

Problems of social adaptation of convicts at preparing them for release from correctional institutions

Yuzhanin V.E.

The factors of operational search prevention of crimes committed by convicts in correctional institutions

Goryainov K.K., Baranova Е.А.

Genetic Engineering: Issues of Criminal Law Regulation

Belov O.A., Spiridonova Y.N., Odintsov A.I.

On some factors that have influence on security of the penal system

Antipov A.N., Golik N.M., Kudryashov O.V., Pervozvansky V.B.

The goals of criminal punishment as a reflection of modern criminal policy

Popov V.V., Smolev S.M.

Applied value of the foreign prison experience to improve the penal system of Russia

Bykov A.V.

Protective measures in a state of extreme necessity

Yuzhanin N.V.

The main activities of the State Automobile Inspectorate of the Vologda region in 1937–1991

Kuzminуkh A.L., Starostin S.I.

Diagnostics ict-competence of future specialists penitentiary system in the conditions implementation of requirements federal state educational standards of higher education

Kryukova D.Y., Kuklina L.V.

Public danger convicted person as a category Penitentiary Law

Yuzhanin V.E.

Compulsory treatment sociopathic disorders in connection with execution of sentence

Tikhomirov A.N., Spasennikov B.A.

On the possibility of human identification by the face elements not covered by the mask

Kolotushkin S.М.

Criminological characteristics of violent criminality and hooliganism in the Republic of Belarus

Tereshchenko T.G.

Transmission institute of sentenced to imprisonment to serve their sentence in the country of their citizenship: the historical aspect

Shatalov A.S.

The ineffectiveness of combating corruption crime in modern Russia

Lapshin V.F., Popov V.V.

Execution of imprisonment of disabled and elderly persons

Zaborovskaya Y.M.

Changing the conditions of serving imprisonment in the legislation of the Republic of Belarus: historical aspect

Gaykovich S.L.

Genesis and development of the criminal law provision «androlepsy» in domestic legislation

Kiselev E.Р.

On the improvement of Article 74 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation

Yanchuk I.A.

Features of educational work with citizens of CIS countries, sentenced to imprisonment

Khrabrova E.V.

Stage of criminal proceedings: the current state and prospects of perfection

Gavrilov B.Y.

On some aspects of criminal liability for sexual battery in relation to persons under the age of twelve

Silkin V.P.

Legal problems of execution criminal punishment in the form of forced labor

Dvoryanskov I.V., Doroshenko O.S.

The legal status of the victim - the employee of the penal system: from state to deficiency

Seredin A.A.

Service in the penal system as a type of public service

Zavitova S.V., Perov S.V.

The idea of a progressive system of execution of criminal sentences and its development in the domestic penitentiary science

Santashov A.L., Skakov A.B.

The labor and household device of convicts released from places of deprivation of liberty in 1924–1953 (historical and legal analysis)

Kuzmin S.I., Yakushina E.S.

Humanizing Imposition and Enforcement of Sentences on Women

Kunts E.V., Latysheva L.A.

Public Danger of the Individual and the Basis of Criminalization

Karavaeva Y.S.

Improving Mechanisms for Criminal Law Protection of Public Relations Arising in the Process of Digital Society Evolution

Kobets P.N.

Image of the Educational Environment of a Departmental Organization and Professional Identity of a Future Employee

Kovtunenko L.V., Kovtunenko A.B.

Modern View on the Formation of Students’ Worldview in the Pedagogical Heritage of K.D. Ushinskii

Kazantsev V.N., Tyugaeva N.А.

On Equality and Justice Principles in Criminal Law and the Specifics of Modern Criminal Lawmaking in the Light of the Exclusion of Paragraph “o” from Part 1 of Article 63 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Karavaeva Y.S.

Administrative Prejudice in Criminal Law

Dvoryanskov I.V.

Improving Disciplinary Measures against Persons Sentenced to Restriction of Liberty and suspended sentence

Babayan S.L., Kokhman D.V.

Criminal Subculture Influence on Criminal Behavior of Those Sentenced to Forced Labor

Dvoryanskov I.V., Sika A.M.

Russian Accelerated Inquiry: Modern Metamorphoses of the Procedural Form

Gir'ko S.I., Kharchenko S.V., Dolgopolov A.A., Kambarov A.M.

Current State of Juvenile Delinquency

Kolesnikov R.V.

Intellectual Nature of Law in the Basic Concepts of Understanding Law

Kosykh A.A.

Some Issues Related to the Implementation of the Right to Protection by Individuals in Respect of Whom Criminal Proceedings Are Carried Out to Prove Them Guilty of Committing a Crime

Aleksandrova O.P., Budanova L.Y.

Criminal-Legal and Penal Enforcement Regulation of the Use of Firearms by Employees of the Penitentiary System of Russia

Ponikarov V.A.

On the issue of establishing the circle of the victims in the encroachment on the life of the law enforcement officer

Ratnikova N.D., Ratnikov A.V.

Public monitoring of the former prisoners sentenced to the deprivation of freedom

Potapov A.M.

Social rehabilitation of condemned is a problem of the state importance

Danilin E.M., Seliverstov V.I., Babayan S.L.

Тhе Goals and Methods оf Execution оf Criminal Sanctions

Santashov A.L., Shabanov V.B.

Terminology as the means of legislative technique by regulation of punishment in the form of fine

Pochetkova E.S.

Juveniles as an object of special convicts and prisoners census

Seliverstov V.I.

Official (Legal) Sources of the Russian Criminal Law Viewed From the Object of Criminal Law Regulation

Obrazhiev K.V.

About the specifics of ensuring of personal safety of juvenile convicts in foreign countries in XVIII-XIX centuries

Potapov A.M., Pakanich S.I.

The prison responsibility of convicted prisoners creating threat of the security of corrective establishments

Drozdov A.I.

To the question of improving the incentive institutions applied to persons convicted to punishment without isolation from the society

Babayan S.L.

The right of convict to considerate the materials about his release from the correctional institution according to amnesty within established period

Seliverstov V.I.

Some historical and modern issues of organization of penal execution system regarding juvenile

Detkov M.G.

Promotional Institute of сhanging conditions the detention of convicts (legal regulation and implementation in prison)

Babayan S.L.

Criteria for diagnosis of a malicious intruder of the established order of punishment personality (in the context of modern penal policy)

Abaturov A.I.

The functioning of prisons in Russia and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XV-XVII centuries : comparative legal study

Naryshkinа N.I.

Social and legal essence, the present state and possibilities to provide the prisoners with the right of movement without escort

Uvarov О.N.

Characteristics of the convicts serving their sentence in approved schools

Datii А.V., Danilin E.M., Fedoseev A.A.

Concept and the legal nature of incentive institutes of the criminally-executive right

Babayan S.L.

Mediation in the Russian criminal proceedings: directions of improving Russian criminal procedure law

Valeev A.T.

Peculiarities of educational work with elderly and disable prisoners

Kiselev M.V., Ivashko N.N.

Prospects of functioning of the institution of release on parole in accordance with the reform program of criminal executive system

Drozdov A.I.

Execution of a Sentence – an Independent Stage of Criminal Proceedings

Shabanov V.B., Budanova L.Y., Kramarenko V.P.

About the need for disciplinary arrest as an effective instrument for legal action on convicted to deprivation of liberty persons in the period of preparing them for discharge

Zlotnikov S.A., Zaichenko E.Y.

Malfeasances: features of law enforcement

Рronina M.P.

Religious behavior condemned as a criterion for a legal assessment of the degree of their correction

Morozov A.S.

The formation and development of the institution of qualified and preference corpus delicti in the history of Russian criminal legislation

Donets S.P.

Effectiveness assessment technique of the penal inspections activities: problems and improvement means

Golodov P.V.

«Low significance» in the Russian Civil Law

Kuznetsova О.А.

Problems of punishment execution of women, sentenced to imprisoment

Vetrova I.V., Spasennikov B.A.

Activities of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture in the sphere of control criminal penalties execution in the Russian Federation

Рerron Y.V.

Disorganization of institutions work providing isolation from a society (doctrinal interpretation)

Kondratovskaya S.N., Spasennikov B.A.

Novels of the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment for the treatment of convicts (Nelson Mandela Rules)

Рerron Y.V.

Socio-legal characteristic of convicts serving their sentence in detention centers

Laverycheva S.A., Spasennikov B.A.

Civil society in modern realities: experience and prospects of Belarus

Tereshchenko T.G.

Law enforcement risk in management practice of institutions and bodies of the penal system

Golodov P.V.

Differentiation issues in the mechanism of criminal law influence: statement of the problem

Dvoryanskov I.V., Firsova A.P.

The historical development of normative fixing in the Russian legislation the place and type of institutions for serving the sentence of imprisonment

Zhitkov A.A., Sereda S.P.

Criminally-legal mechanisms of protection the right to freedom of conscience in Russia

Sereda S.P.

Public danger and criteria for its assessment

Kilimbaev R.V.

About the personality of convicted, released from serving imprisonment

Potapov A.M., Lepshchikov A.N.

Criminological characteristics of penal crime in the Republic of Belarus

Tereshchenko T.G., Legky A.O.

Criminal liability for escape from places of imprisonment, evasion from serving a punishment in correctional facilities: the historical aspect

Kryukova O.Y.

Justice as a function of judiciary in the modern Russia

Khruleva V.V.

Victimological characterization of criminal assaults of minors on sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual

Smirnov A.M.

On the need to improve the penal legislation of the Republic of Belarus in the field of the execution of punishments for convicted persons with mental disorders

Shabanov V.B., Kashinskij M.Y.

The role of the library of the correctional institution in the organization of educational work with convicts

Rudakov A.M.

Category of “Threat” in the Theory and Practice of Penal Law

Bakulin V.K.

Significantly about the Insignificant: Practice of Applying Part 2 of Article 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Features of Criminal Prosecution of Persons Subject to Administrative Punishment for Petty Theft)

Kolokolov N.A.

Significantly about the Insignificant: Practice of Applying Part 2 of Article 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (In-Depth Analysis of the Problem)

Kolokolov N.A.

Personal Characteristics of Convicted Men with Demonstrative Blackmail Behavior

Kuznetsova D.A.

Role of Personal Characteristics of Juvenile Delinquents in the Formation of Defects in Legal Socialization

Sharanov Y.A., Vetrenko R.N.

On Minimization of Duties Extrinsic to the Police Activities in the Russian Empire

Shurukhnov N.G., Kazanina L.Y.

Describing Legal Regulation of the Resocialization Process of Convicted Minors

Samokhvalov I.Y., Santashov A.L.

Problems of Qualifying Crimes against the Established Order of Service Committed by Employees of Institutions and Bodies of the Penal System

Shurukhnov N.G.

Criminal Law Sanctions for Corruption-Related Crimes: an Opinion of the Scientific Community and a View of the Law Enforcement Officer

Gavrilov B.Y.

Organizational and Legal Aspects of Ensuring Cooperation between Penal Institutions and Religious Organizations

Kuznetsovа N.V., Makarova T.V.

Some Problematic Aspects of Registering and Verifying Crime Allegations in Russian Penal Institutions

Morozov R.M., Lyutynsky A.M.

Modernization Issues of Staffing the Penal Enforcement System in the Context of Formation of an Administrative Constitutionalism Doctrine in Modern Russia

Vasilyeva Y.V., Nagornykh R.V., Mel’nikova N.A.

Organizing State Protection of the Personnel of Penal Institutions in Some Countries of Western Europe, North America and Asia

Kirilovsky O.V.

Some Procedural Issues Related to the Enforcement of Restrictive Measures in the Form of Prohibition on Certain Actions, House Arrest, and Bail in the Work of Probation Inspectorates

Kolpakova L.A.

Some aspects of mortgage as a way to ensure execution of obligations

Zgonnikov P.P., Gladneva E.P.

Criminological description of mercenary-motivated crimes committed in penitentiary institutions

Uvarov I.A.

Processes of social liberalization as a factor of toughening of criminal prosecution of a person

Khomyakov O.V.

Some Organizational and Legal Aspects оf Preparation оf Offenders for Release from Serving аn Imprisonment Sentence

Лукьянчук Е.О.

The Correction of Male Offenders in Serving of Long term Sentences

Spasennikov B.A., Smirnov A.M.

About social and legal characteristics of convicts in the period of preparation for release

Potapov A.M.

Execution of imprisonment for convicted resocialization: problems and prospects

Zubkova V.I.

Retrospective Development Analysis of incentive measures of Inmates in the Penal System of Russia

Misyuryov A.S.

About problems of an execution of the punishment in the form of freedom restriction

Zvonov A.V.

Realization principles of criminal law from the point of view gender research at implementation by several rights for convicts to deprivation of liberty

Dyadyun K.V.

Introduction of the advanced foreign experience and realization of the international standards in activity of penal system of Russia taking into account problems of its development till 2020

Glebova N.A.

About the improvement of the criminal-procedural means of resolving conflicts during preliminary investigation

Kolmakov P.A., Kibardin I.P.

The main features of public work and professional training using to the short-term covicted serving in investigative isolation cell

Zubova A.O.

Encouragement and penalties as the interrelated measures of educational influence on convicts, serving criminal sentences in the form corrective labour, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation

Krasotkin P.N.

To a question of concept of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation and its realization in the sphere of the public law-enforcement service

Nagornykh R.V.

Freedom of conscience and freedom of religion convicted: basic concepts and implementation into penal law

Rudakov A.M.

Basic elements of working places with reinforced supervision activity (conceptual model)

Tretyakov I.E., Useev R.Z.

Ideology of penitentiary community in system of formation of public consciousness of the condemned

Uvarov I.A.

Information used in the investigation of crimes and its types

Kremlev M.V.

Correctional warning process of penal institutions and bodies: questions of terminology

Siryakov A.N., Lukyanchuk E.O.

About the public control subjects supervising the exercise of prisoners’ rights

Александров A.S., Potapov A.M.

Theoretical Aspects of Interaction between Special Forces Units of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the National Guard of Russia, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Field of Law Enforcement

Ponikarov S.V.

Social work in a correctional facility as a basis of resocialization of convicts

Latysheva L.A.

The role of psychological work in the system of means for correcting convicts

Сherekhovich M.M.

Comparative legal analysis of the principle of compound sentence with correctional influence in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan

Katanov A.V.

Restriction of rights and freedoms of person by norms of penal law of the Russian Federation

Lungu E.V.

On the construction of the purpose of punishment in criminal law

Borovikov S.A.

Plagiarism in dissertations: current state and trends of the legal regulation

Shelepina Е.А.

Improving penal legislation of Russia…

Antipov A.N., Golik N.M., Kudryashov O.V., Pervozvansky V.B.

Malignity of evasion from payment of the penalty аs main punishment: questions of the theory and practice

Ryzhov R.S.

Means of convicts correction: problems of classification and legal regulation

Golodov P.V.

Polymodal psychotherapy of the association of stressful and psychic personal disorders of convicts

Chirkov A.M.

Normative-legal and practical aspects of the distribution of convicts serving sentences of imprisonment, for units and living quarters

Minyazeva Т.F.

Some issues of improving the rule and order in the light of the problem of implementing the initial norms (on the example of the norms of penal law)

Svinin E.V.

Personality characteristics of victims of violent crimes committed by convicts in penal colonies

Minkova Е.А.

Retrospective analysis of the concepts of crime and the subject of crime

Kryukova O.Y.

On the practice of the minor criminal punishment in the form of compulsory labor

Siryakov A.N., Siryakova E.O.

Actual problems of complicity in the contemporary criminal law

Zhitkov A.A.

Criminal law and penal aspects of the application of the suspension of sentence

Skobeleva N.G.

Preconditions for improving classification institute of sentenced to imprisonment

Savushkin S.M.

The history of the development of the parole institute in Russia

Babayan S.L., Garibyan K.K.

Some problems of rehabilitation in the Russian criminal proceeding

Lyutynsky A.M., Morozov R.M.

Features of educational work with convicted women serving sentences in the form of imprisonment, maintaining socially useful ties with their children, who are being brought up in the care centers for children left without parental care

Khrabrova E.V.

Legal regulation of Justice of the Peace in Russia: evolution, problems, prospects (to the 20th anniversary of the restoration of the institution of magistrates)

Kuznetsova E.V.

Assignment of criminal punishment by a computer program: legal innovation or degradation?

Lapshin V.F.

The scientific and theoretical model of the General part of the New Penal Code of the Russian Federation: in search of a compromise

Sergeev D.N.

Historical Aspect of Penitentiary Denazification

Yakovets E.N.

Algorithm for Introducing the Appointed Defense Lawyer into the Criminal Process: how to Avoid a “Double Defense” Situation

Konin V.V.

On Legal Regulation of Criminal Liability for Rioting

Kurguzkina N.A., Vlasova N.A.

Features of National Penitentiary Policy and Their Methodological Significance

Ovchinnikov S.N.

On Reforming State Regulation of Educational Activities and Its Impact on the Higher Education System of the Federal Penitentiary Service

Motorova N.V.

Characteristics of Female Terrorism: Psychological Motives, Social Roles, Recruitment Methods

Kazberov P.N.

Data Constituting the Forensic Characteristic of Convicts’ Intentional Infliction of Harm to Life and Health and Their Correlations

Shurukhnov N.G., Dechkin O.M.

Comparative Analysis of Criminal Pretrial Procedures in Anglo-Saxon and Continental Legal Systems

Lutsenko P.A.

Building Effective Communication with Persons Convicted of Terrorism and Extremism-Related Crimes

Kazberov P.N.

On the Concept of Prompt Investigation in Institutions Executing Custodial Sentences

Ivan'kov I.A.

Personnel Training Strategy as an Element of Personnel Policy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and Tasks of Educational Organizations for Its Implementation

Motorova N.V.

Film Pedagogy to Encourage Reflection of Juvenile Offenders Serving their Sentence in Juvenile Correctional Facilities

Panova O.B.

On Counteracting the Investigation of Prison-Related Crimes: Features of the Preliminary Stage

Akchurin A.V.

Some Issues in the Work of Probation Inspectorates Related to the Execution of Sentences in the Form of Correctional Labor

Tarabuev L.N.

On the implementation of security measures in the form of the issuance of weapons, special means and means of alerting the personnel of the penal system and their relatives

Kirilovsky O.V.

Legal regulation of a special procedure of adoption of a juridical decision during making pre-judicial cooperation agreement

Shatalov A.S.

About the Commencement оf Prosecution

Gavrilov B.Y.

A Fine for the Crime Committed: the problems of the Legislative Regulation and Practice of Penalty recovery

Ivanchin A.V.

Convictions of probationers with additional punishment

Zvonov A.V.

To the question about consequences of violation of public order by the convicts of parole

Rybakov A.A.

Legal nature institute of the transfer of a person sentenced to imprisonment to serve sentence in the state of nationality

Evsicheva L.L.

Point of Representation of a Minor Victim in the Criminal Process

Kolmakov P.A., Teterin O.A.

Interbranch issue preclusion and its impotance for improving the institute of evidence of criminal procedure law

Yastrebov O.A.

Appealing against the inured sentences, passed during pre-trial proceedings on a criminal case

Kolmakov P.A., Obuhov I.I.

Prevention of crimes committed by the juvenile convicts held in correctional colonies, by means of conducting separate search operations and regime activities

Sysoev A.V., Kirichenko V.M.

On the prosecutor’s powers in pre-trial proceedings: current state and ways to improve

Gavrilov B.Y.

Legitimate interests condemned to punishment in the form of freedom restriction

Kombarov R.V.

The criminal procedure improvement of the organs and institutions of the penal system under initiation of criminal proceedings

Kolpakova L.A., Uhova E.V.

Reasons and order of revision of criminal cases not come into legal force by decision of the court of first instance

Shatalov A.S.

About legislative regulation of reasons for initiation of criminal cases on crimes committed in prisons

Medvedeva V.V.

The legality mode and the rationality principle in the penal sphere and the ways to ensure them

Kolodkin L.M.

Methodological approaches to the problem of psychological stress of employees of penal institutions and convicts

Oboturova N.S., Baburin S.V., Chirkov A.M.

Corrective labor on the new criminal and penal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Ammosova V.I.

Some peculiar traits of the correctional process of juvenile delinquents

Shabanov V.B., Santashov A.L.

On the Need to Develop Professional Competences in Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics in Corrections Officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Shatalov A.S., Akchurin A.V.

Понятие и административно-правовая природа государственной службы Российской Федерации

Nagornykh R.V.

Criminal misdemeanor: assessment of embodiment forms and prospects of existence

Kosterin V.V.

Senior Lecturer of the Penal Law Department of the Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law

Zvonov A.V., Rudenko A.S.

Problematic issues of legal practice of contract work in the organs and institutions of the penal system

Pavlovsky S.A.

The main methods and mechanism of legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained income using electronic payment transactions

Dvoretsky M.Y., Anapolskaya A.I.

Training courses of penal staff in the prewar and wartime (1940s)

Voloshin D.V.

Theoretical and legal realization problems of religion freedom of convicted to imprisonment

Rudakov A.M.

Procedure for the recognition of evidence in the criminal case inadmissible: some problems and solutions

Lyutynsky A.M., Kartashova E.G.

Problems of legal regulation of administrative supervision of persons released from prison

Derbin S.V., Derbina O.V.

Organization and functioning of the psychological service of the penal system under reforming conditions

Mikhailov A.N., Ushkov F.I.

Issues of criminal procedure regulation of the release from punishment due to illness of the convicted person

Skiba A.P.

Problems of interpretation the norms of General part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Рronina M.P.

About the signs of mental disorders simulation by persons under investigation

Spasennikov B.A.

Death penalty: for and cons

Dvoretsky M.Y., Anapolskaya A.I.

Implementation Issues of mechanism of leaving young offenders sentenced to imprisonment in the age of maturity

Khrabrova E.V., Chernyshenko E.V.

Problematic issues of the organization of passing service in the penal system and the main directions of their solution

Долинин A.Y., Smolev S.M.

Theoretical and practical problems of applying Art. 291. 1 of the Criminal Code due to the imperfection of its legislative structure

Gerasimova E.V.

Administrative -jurisdictional authority of the commissions for minors and protection of their rights and their role in preventing crimes and other offenses of minors

Vasilyeva Y.V.

Criminal lynching among convicts sentenced to imprisonment: characteristics and preventive measures

Bykov A.V., Smirnov A.M.

Classification of crimes in the field of innovation (by the criterion «the application scope of innovation»)

Nekrasov V.N.

Ensuring the regime in the activities of correctional institutions and its importance in the investigation of penal crimes

Averkin S.D.

Penal law and order: general theoretical and branch aspects

Svinin E.V.

Responsibility for circulation counterfeit and unregistered medicines, medical devices, falsified biologically active food additives: problems of law enforcement in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

Tancyura V.S., Popovich M.M.

On some questions of legal regulation of the criminal-procedural status of the federal pernal service officers

Spiridonova Y.N.

Significantly about the Insignificant: Practice of Applying Part 2 of Article 14 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Systematic Analysis of Current Official Criminal Policy and Controversial Judicial Practice)

Kolokolov N.A.

Features of Child-Parent Relations of Women of Early Adulthood Convicted of Drug Trafficking

Makukh N.O., Poleshchuk F.Y.

Ideas of Russian Penal System Employees about the Official Behavior Pattern Forming a Humane Attitude towards Convicts

Pisarev О.М.

Problematic Issues when Granting a Pardon

Ponomarev S.N., Skopintseva V.V.

Criminal Registration in the Service of the Penitentiary System

Yakovets E.N.

Features of Hardiness and Life-Purpose Orientations of Cadets of Departmental Educational Organizations

Kornilova T.V., Kuleshov D.O.

Conditional Nature of the Application of the Substitution of the Unserved Part of Punishment with a Milder Penalty as a Way to Improve This Criminal Law Institution

Balasanov M.R.

On the Issue of Legal Regulation of Public Service of Other Types in the Russian Public Service System

Karpov E.S.

Studying Self-Actualization of Men for the First Time Held in a Pre-Trial Detention Center with regard to Other Characteristics of Their Personality

Krotova D.N., Tsvetkova N.A.

Planning Documents to Develop the Russian Penal System in the Period of 2010–2030: Name, Type and Procedure for Entry into Legal Force

Dyad'kin O.N., Kalyashin A.V.

Recording Investigation into Activities of Criminal Leaders and AUE Extremist Organization Members

Agarkov A.V., Shikov A.A.

On Types of Correctional Institutions

Savushkin S.M.

Restriction of the Freedom of Movement under a High-Alert Regime

Zaryaeva N.P., Oliynyk I.L.

Russian Law Enforcement Intelligence-Gathering Legislation: Problems and Ways to Address Them, Taking into Account the Experience of Some CIS Countries

Agarkov A.V.

Ensuring the realization of freedom of conscience and freedom of religion as a means of correcting convicts

Rudakov A.M.

Problems of application of criminal-procedural legislation in activity of agencies of inquiry

Ryzhova J.N.

About the Correlation between the Legislative and Departmental Legal Regulation in the Operative Detective Activity

Arefyev A.U., Falchenko A.A.

The Peculiarities of Imprisonment Sentences Regarding the Offenders Having Committed a Crime while being minors

Sereda S.P.

Contemporary legal regulation of the penal inspectorate tasks and functions

Lelikova Y.V.

The Juvenile concept in the criminal process and the problem of differentiation of procedural form of juvenile

Mashinskaya N.V.

Safeguarding as a Function of the State Law Enforcement Service

Nagornykh R.V.

Organizational support of courts of general jurisdiction: comparative legal aspect

Kuznetsova E.V.

The legal status of prisoners sent to prisons: implementation problems and improvement directions

Novikov E.E.

Legal security in planning of law enforcement activity within the penal system of Russia at the present time

Kozlova O.V.

Relevance of the research of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of minors in criminal proceedings

Bogomolov V.P.

The procedural aspects of security rights and legitimate interests of convicts during investigation of crimes in the penal system institutions

Kazarinova L.V.

To the question of criminalistics characteristic of escaping from penal institution

Gryazeva N.V.

State Service in the Law Enforcement Sphere and Its Major Features

Nagornykh R.V.

Rotation of the enforcement officers

Korepina A.V.

Some principles of the State Law Enforcement Service

Nagornykh R.V.

Single questions of interaction of the investigator and officers of operative department of Federal Penal Service of Russia at the drug traffic investigation

Chernyshenko E.V.

The problem of application of аrticle 125 of the Сode of criminal procedure of the Russian Federation

Malinin V.B.

Features of behavioral characteristics of juvenile delinquents (in the monitoring of prevention of tobacco consumption by convicts)

Markova I.I., Krasnenkova S.A.

International control over suffrage оf the convicts

Рerron Y.V.

Some specific features of the investigation of administrative offence cases in correctional institutions

Mel’nikova N.A.

The effectiveness of public enforcement service and its impact on the state law enforcement

Sofiychuk N.V., Nagornykh R.V.

To the question on interaction of the Federal penal service with the Russian orthodox church in the framework of rehabilitation of persons released from prison

Matveev D.O.

Problems of legal regulation of certain forms of state bodies assistance in the work of penal inspections on execution of penalties and other criminal measures

Grigoryan I.G.

On legal regulation of enactment and implementation of administrative decisions in the penal system

Vodopolov A.I.

The labor of the convicts in prisons of the Federal Republic of Germany: social-legal aspect

Chernysheva O.M.

Features of the labor organization of persons sentenced to compulsory and correctional labor

Kondratovskaya S.N., Valkova E.V.

Theoretical and practical support of the reforming the State Penal Service of Ukraine

Bogatyrev I.G.

Problems of legal regulation of the operatively-search activity in prisons

Spasennikov B.A., Tsaturov A.V.

The procedure for interests conflict in the penal system of Russia as a kind of administrative process

Krizhanovsky S.V.

Age differences in personality traits of adolescents with deviant behavior

Kirillova E.B.

Classification of administrative enforcement measures applied by officers of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Aniskina N.V.

Juvenile delinquency in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Naurzalieva S.M.

Features of counseling aimed at the motivation for recovery by convicts with socially significant diseases

Speranskaya A.V., Prokop’eva S.A.

Institute of criminal penalties under martial law: on the issue of legal restrictions

Zvonov A.V., Golubev Y.V.

The socio-cultural and educative environment as a means of preventing criminal subculture in prisons

Latysheva L.A., Katanov A.V.

Urgent problems of legal regulation of the turnover and protection of personal information in Russia

Kryukova D.Y., Mokretsov Y.V.

Problematic issues of legal regulation of the grounds for introduction special conditions in the institutions of the penal system of Russia and ways to solve them

Gorban’ D.V.

On the issue of staying young offenders sentenced to imprisonment in education colonies coming the age of majority

Kimachev A.N.

On the issue of relief from criminal liability for crimes against public safety

Antonov A.G.

Some guarantees of taking legal and informed decisions in the stage of initiating a criminal case

Pal’chikova N.V.

Features of the legal status of the prison church in modern Russia

Pavlushkov A.R.

Legal regimes and their interaction with other social regulators and means of psychological and pedagogical influence (theoretical and legal analysis)

Lapshin V.E., Shakhanov V.V.

Prevention of escapes of convicts and detainees

Nesterova O.I.

Registration of sex offenders in the USA

Shanina А.А.

Discretionary Powers in the Field of Public Administration and Principles of Their Implementation in the Activities of the Penal System

Nagornykh R.V.

Problems of Ensuring a Lawful and Reasonable Judicial Decision to Replace the Unserved Part of a Sentence with a Milder Type of Punishment

Mashinskaya N.V.

Effectiveness of the Investigation of Criminal Cases when Using the Area Functioning as a Pre-Trial Detention Center on the Territory of a Juvenile Correctional Facility

Samokhvalov I.Y., Skakov A.B., Stepanov M.V.

Modern Penitentiary Systems: Problems of Understanding, Classification, Functioning (Reviewing Speeches of Participants of the Interregional Round Table “Modern Penitentiary Systems”, Vologda, VILE of the FPS of Russia, October 28, 2023)

Svinin E.V., Kirilovskaya N.N., Romashov R.A.

Modeling as a Method of Shaping a Personal Future of Convicted Women

Zautorova E.V.

Control, Supervisory and Jurisdictional Powers of the Federal Penitentiary Service as a Direction of Administrative and Legal Protection of Russian Penitentiary Institutions

Aniskina N.V., Migachev Y.I.

Administrative Discretion in Activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service: Theoretical and Doctrinal Interpretation

Starostin S.A.

Reforming the State Control (Supervisory) System in the Context of Changing Legislation

Romanov S.A.

The Content and Interpretation of the Philosophical Category “Measure” in Criminal Law

Lapshin V.F.

Emotional States of Convicts: a Model of a Psychological Correction Program

Aligaeva N.N.

Israel Prison Service: Traditions and Perspectives

Kolontaevskaya I.F.

Experience in Developing and Testing a Model Program for Psychological and Educational Work with Persons Convicted of Terrorist and Extremist Crimes

Kazberov P.N., Shamsunov S.K.

Individual Features of the Convict’s Personality (Results of a Psychological Research)

Nedyalkova Y.M.

State Service in the Prosecutor’s Office in the System of State Service in the Law Enforcement Sphere

Smirnov A.V.

Risks for the penal system caused by the mass use of unmanned aerial vehicles

Anton B.I.

Particular features of stages of initiation of disciplinary cases in criminalexecutive system

Koloskov A.M.

Тhе institutional model оf the state law-еnforсеmеnt service and its basic elements

Nagornykh R.V.

About the Application of Results of the Operative Detective Activity in Proving

Goryainov K.K.

The nature of differentiation and individualization principle of punishment and its effectiveness in executing of an imprisonment term

Yanchuk I.A.

Legal responsibility for offenses in ground sphere

Simakov M.V.

Examination as the evidence of intoxication

Fokin S.A.

On the practical importance of the situational approach in investigation of the disorganization of institutions providing isolation from society

Tsyvkunov A.G.

Inquiry, as a form of pre-trial investigation of crime: the legal and institutional framework

Shatalov A.S.

Interaction arrangement between a criminal investigator and officials of agency of inquiry in detecting and investigating a crime against property committed by sentenced criminals

Первушина А.А.

The use of foreign and domestic achievements in psychology in resocialization of juvenile offenders

Pozdnyakov V.M.

The issues of the release preparations for the imprisoned convicts in light of the penal system reformation

Zlotnikov S.А.

About the problem of formation of constructive professional thinking of the employee of criminal and executive system

Rakitskaya O.N.

Regulation Features in Individuals with Personality Disorders and Accentuated Personality Traits Who Committed Aggressive and Violent Crimes

Shekhovtsova E.S., Bulygina V.G.

On the implementation of the program «ART-method of training social competence» in prison FPS Russia

Zautorova E.V.

Pretrial cooperation agreement in criminal legal proceedings of the Russian Federation: problems with law enforcement

Sofiychuk N.V.

Resocialization of juvenile delinquents on the base of social influence system: history and contemporaneity

Pozdnyakov V.M.

Jury trial in the system of the bodies carrying out preliminary investigation and hearing

Ilyukhov А.А.

Psychology of emotions of sentenced to long prison terms in various stages of sentence completion

Rogach V.G.

Regulatory problems of criminal procedural competence of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Spiridonova J.N.

The administrative and legal status of a government official of the law enforcement agency

Nagornykh R.V.

Activity organization of the territorial bodies in the Federal Penal Service of Russia: problems and prospects

Kopylova O.N.

For pecuniary damage to the victim of the actions fraudulent nature with the use of mobile communication, committed by juveniles in prison

Sivirkin F.D.

Teacher, psychologist in the criminal process: some problems of legal regulation of the procedural status and its implementation

Sofiychuk N.V.

Legislative technique and its significance for lawmaking in the field of the branches of the criminal cycle

Tancyura V.S., Santashov A.L., Mukhtarova E.A.

The first Forced Labor Code of the RSFSR on the organization of prisoners labor

Fumm A.M.

Features of criminal liability for crimes in the field of telemedicine

Nekrasov V.N.

Theoretical traditions and empirical research of offenders sense of justice

Suchkova Е.L.

The publication examines the legal and institutional framework for ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of minors in criminal proceedings. On the base of the comparison of the current procedural regulation with universally recognized norms of international law and noteworthy historical gener

Shatalov A.S.

Delegation of authority as the method of state management

Korepina A.V.

Factors and conditions affecting the professional mentality of the staff of the Federal Penal Service of Russia under its reforming conditions

Elatomtsev I.V.

Topical issues of interaction between operational units of internal affairs bodies and tax authorities in the process of combating tax crimes

Panov A.Y.

The mechanism of interaction between Ministry of Justice and the Governmental Senate of the Russian Empire

Yakovleva O.N.

Prevention of penal officers’ destructive behaviour

Yezhova О.N.

Restriction of the suffrage of convicts as a manifestation of political absenteeism in Russia

Sizov D.O., Mel’nikova N.A.

Novels of criminal and criminal-procedural legislation of beatings: problems of implementation in prison settings

Spiridonova Y.N., Kolpakova L.A.

Религиозные методы воздействия на осужденных на современном этапе развития уголовно-исполнительной системы

Pavlushkov A.R.

On some problems of fight against religious extremism in the penal system of the Russian Federation

Khruleva V.V., Maslov I.S.

Actual problems of organization norm-setting in the Federal Penal Service

Perov S.V.

Social adaptation of persons released from correctional institutions in assessing public, human rights and professional opinion

Seliverstov V.I.

Regime of special conditions in the penal institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Siryakov A.N.

Objective signs of the illegal acquisition and manufacture of weapons: theory and practice

I. M.M., Savinova E.A.

Judgment by the court of evidence in criminal proceedings: an empirical analysis

Lutsenko P.A.

Incomplete crime as a legal definition in the modern criminal law

Shesler A.V.

Application of criminal law measures for treatment of socially significant diseases: the right or duty of court

Yakovlev A.A.

Psychological Aspects of Analyzing and Assessing the Current State of Personnel Provision of the Penal System

Pukhareva T.S., Kaluzhina M.A.

Anti-Corruption Education of Junior Schoolchildren from the Perspective of Comparative Pedagogy

Panova O.B.

Cultural-Historical Jurisprudence as a Meta-theory in the Field of General Humanitarian Training of Penal System Employees

Hakhanov V.V.

Problems Arising when Dog Handlers with Service Dogs are Engaged in Security Procedures in Penitentiary Institutions of the Russian Federation

Rumyantsev N.V., Prikhozhaya L.E.

Punishment, Prevention and Protection of Rights as Areas of Combating Juvenile Delinquency

Kunts E.V.

Administrative Basis of the Formation and Development of Public Service in Russia in the Pre-Revolutionary and Soviet Periods

Nagornykh R.V.

Prevention of Professional Destructions of Penal System Employees as a Factor of Successful Professional Activity

Lapshin V.E., Shamanin N.V.

Assessing Radicalization Risks in the Adolescent and Youth Environment

Bovin B.G., Bovina I.B., Dvoryanchikov N.V., Mel'nikova D.V.

Systemic, Institutional and Idiosyncratic Factors of Corruption in Foreign Penitentiary Systems: Experience in Countering Administrative Discretion

Nagornykh R.V.

Features of Meaningfulness of Life of Convicts Serving Long-Term Sentences

Zautorova E.V., Sobolev N.G.

Impact of Criminal Subculture on Social Interaction of Juvenile Offenders

Zlokazov K.V.

Grounds for Criminalistic Classification of Crimes against Human Life and Health Committed by Convicts Serving Imprisonment Sentences in Places of Deprivation of Liberty

Dechkin O.M., Shurukhnov N.G.

The Spread of the Prison Subculture as a Driver of Its Destructive Influence on the Personality of Young Correctional Officers

Lapshin V.E., Galich T.V.

Studying Hardiness in Convicts Serving Life Imprisonment in a High Security Penal Colony

Balamut A.N., Pozdnyakov V.M., Kornilova T.V.

Criminal responsibility for bribery: analysis of statistical materials and judicial practice in the Kaliningrad region

Kasterina N.V., Prozorov A.V.

Legal personality of the persons who are serving sentence

Popovich M.M.

About the admissibility оf evidence collected during the investigation of crimes in correctional establishments

Kolpakova L.А.

The problems of special knowledge usage while revealing and investigating economic crimes

Danilova N.A., Nikolaeva T.G.

The realization of law towards defence in court in the penitentiary system

Zhuravlev A.V.

Structure and content of the «Personal self-development» phenomenon in the practice-oriented research

Kevlya F.I.

Recidivism juveniles convicts without isolation from society: criminological and psychological aspects

Pozdnyakov V.M., Dyadchenko E.А.

The peculiarities of the content and law regulation of functional procedures in the internal affairs activity

Merkulov V.G.

Interaction of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service and Ministry of Internal affairs of Russia in international search of persons escaped from a correctional facility

Belov O.A.

The pedagogical analysis of juvenile delinquent readiness for legal education

The professionally important qualities of the penal system staff as a condition for the formation of their professional competence

Kodaneva M.S.

Some peculiarities of tactics of interrogating witnesses and victims in cases of fraud committed in the field of granting consumer credits

Kruglikova O.V.

The Pedagogical Factors of Infant Prisoners Legal Desocialization

Motivational and Value-Based Orientation of Pre-Conscription Youth toward Military Service

Kovtunenko L.V., Paramonov E.V.

Psychological help the prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment: current status, problems and prospects

Balamut A.N.

Public prosecutor’s office place in modern Russian state machinery

Terentyev I.A.

The peculiarities of juvenile delinquents’ reflection of legally significant situations

Problems of legal regulation of interaction of operative divisions of criminally-executive system with other bodies which are carrying out operatively-search activity

Kudryawtsew A.W.

Psycho-educational characteristics criterion for the convicts correction (on the basis of the Republic of Вelarus)

Stukanov V.G.

Some questions of appointment and conduct preliminary and forensic-expert research on cases of illegal traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances

Solovieva A.S.

Convict`s right of appeal and judgment revision according to the changes in the current Criminal Legislation of Russia

Sofiychuk N.V.

Problems of legal regulation and organization of the evaluation committees of the Federal Penal Service of Russia to resolve the conflict of interests

Krizhanovsky S.V.

Analysis of the project “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation to provide the victim, suspect, accused with the possibility of reconciliation”

Mashinskaya N.V.

Problems of regulatory consolidation of fundamental rights and responsibilities of the penal staff as elements of its legal status

Popov A.A.

Проблемные вопросы обеспечения жильем сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы в условиях ее реформирования

Popov A.A.

Problems of implementation of article 77.1 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation

Chernyshenko E.V.

Problems of implementation of public control over the activities of institutions and bodies executing criminal sentences

Latysheva L.A., Shcherbakova D.S.

To the question of determination of the list of professionally important qualities of the officers of the Department escorts

Speranskaya A.V.

Differentiation problems of the subjects of criminal process with special knowledge

Solovieva A.S.

On the prospects of establishing a new mechanism of international control over rights of convicts in the Russian Federation

Рerron Y.V.

Moral and aesthetic education as a condition for resocialization of minor convicts

Zautorova E.V.

Judicial law-making in Russia on land issues in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries in the process of applying customary law

Ignatyeva E.Y.

Anti-corruption policy and legislation of the Republic of Belarus

Tereshchenko T.G., Kiyko N.V.

Experience in creating a socially rehabilitating environment in an educational colony (on the example of the Mozhaisk educational colony of the Federal Penal Service of Russia in the Moscow region)

Khrabrova E.V., Lisovaya V.F.

On the issue of criminalization of preparatory actions in the criminal legislation of foreign countries (comparative analysis)

Agasiev E.G.

DNA accounting of suspected, accused and imprisoned convicts : questions of legal regulation

Belov O.A., Belova О.N.

On the forms of realization of the general legal presumption of conscientiousness of a citizen (on the example of the presumption of conscientiousness serving a criminal sentence)

Svinin E.V., Shakhanov V.V.

Punishment of women for witchcraft in the Moscow State in the XV–XVII centuries

Belova N.A.

On the issue of exemption from criminal liability under the note to Art. 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Anton B.I.

Counteraction to threats of economic security in the bank sphere

Moiseeva I.A.

Legal and organizational basis for counteraction religious extremism and the terrorist threat at the present stage

Rumyantsev N.V.

Penalties in the form of a fine

Enhtur Z..

Features of the personality of women sentenced to imprisonment and their influence on the individualization of the execution of punishment

Yanchuk I.A.

Legal and organizational aspects of the penal priesthood in Russia

On the issue of the place of restriction of freedom in the modern system of criminal penalties

Permilovskaya E.A.

On the Formation of a Favorable Socio-Psychological Climate in Territorial Divisions of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation

Mar'in M.I., Teregulova O.A.

On the Approval of International Commissions of Inquiry according to Results of the Conventions of 1899 and 1907 for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes

Shurukhnov N.G.

Administrative Arrest Appointment as an Exclusive Prerogative of the Court

Shchepalov S.V.

Forced Labor: Prospects, Limits and Risks of Development

Seliverstov V.I.

“He Beat Prisoners of War for the Slightest Violations ...”: Practice of Bringing Nazi Accomplices to Criminal Liability (Based on Archival Materials of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Vologda Oblast)

Кузьминых А.Л.

Pedagogical Capacity of the Regime as a Means of Correcting Convicts

Panova O.B.

Development of Online Courses as a Means of Improving the Domestic Lifelong Learning System

Kovaleva M.L., Shibaev D.V.

Prejudice against Psychology as a Factor in Increasing Extremity of the Service and Maladaptation of Penal System Employees

Suslov Y.E., Kulakiva S.V.

Implementing Operational Investigative Measures to Prevent Crimes: Problematic Issues of Legislation and Key Directions of Implementation

Yakovets E.N., Brazhnikov D.A.

Key Forms of Scientific Penitentiary and Pedagogical Knowledge

Panova O.B.

Specifics of Psychological Defense of Persons Serving Sentences in Places of Imprisonment for Crimes against the Person and Correctional and Educational Work with Them

Zautorova E.V., Kevlya F.I.

Complex Correctional Institutions at the Present Stage of Reforming the Penal Enforcement System of the Russian Federation

Gorban’ D.V., Yuzhanin V.E.

Basic Model of the Psychological Well-Being of VIPE FSIN Cadets and Penitentiary Staff

Malyshev K.B., Malysheva O.A.

Lengthy Prison Term as a Psychological Issue in the Penal System of the Russian Federation

Suslov Y.E.

Work with personnel in the militia of the Vologda region in 1945–1965 years

Kuzminуkh A.L., Starostin S.I.

The role of psychological monitoring in increasing of efficiency of professional work of officers of criminalexecutive system

Cherkasova M.A.

Psychological preventive measures оf juvenile delinquency: state and perspectives

Pozdnyakov V.M.

About improving the communication system maintenance in solving and investigating penitentiary crimes

Belov O.A.

Planning as a function of management in the Russian Penal system: historical and law aspects

Kozlova O.V.

The role of penal stressology in psychological support for the penal institutions’ staff and the convicts

Chirkov А.М., Zubarev V.L.

Moral-aesthetic education of personality on the basis of A.S. Makarenko ideas in correctional institutions of the Vologda region

Zautorova E.V.

The Main Trends of Forming Personality Civil Self-Consciousness at Modern Higher School

Fokina I.V.

Proof at the preliminary investigation stage: some problems and solutions

Lyutynsky A.M.

The pedagogical analysis of juvenile delinquent readiness for legal education

Dikopoltsev D.E.

The image of time among the police and the penal system officers, taking part in anti-terrorist operations

Denisova T.N., Nikanova I.A.

Psychological personality’s transformation of prisoners when using the right to of non-convoy movement and their integration into the activities of staff of psychological services penitentiary system of Russia

Pozdnyakov V.M., Mikhaylov A.N.

Рublic prosecutor’s office place in modern Russian state machinery

Terentyev I.A.

Psychological problems of conditional early release from serving a punishment by imprisonment

Kanchurina А.А., Shatrovoy O.V.

Legal regulation of public-private partnerships in the Russian Federation

Serebryakova Е.Е.

A Program for the Development of Moral and Psychological Stability in Security Division Officers of Correctional Institutions

Viktorova T.V., Zautorova E.V.

Some possibilities of social work within penal system directed to solving conflict between aid to the convicted and supervision of their behavior

Schnurr S..

The acmeological approach to the process of studying of criminality and personality deformation in the places of imprisonment manifested by convicted minors

Fedorov A.F.

Criminal procedural delinquency counteraction: essence, concept and meaning

Krymov V.A.

Hardiness and its interconnection with social and demographic characteristics of long-term imprisonment convicts

Bystrova T.V.

The problem of improving psychological support of the centers of the convicts correction in colonies

Pozdnyakov V.M.

Law enforcement and advocacy function of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

Motorova N.V.

Organization of social protection of employees of the Federal Penal Service of Russia in the conditions of reforming the penal system

Popov A.A.

Методологические подходы к проблеме психологического стресса у сотрудников исправительных учреждений и осужденных

Oboturova N.S., Baburin S.V., Chirkov A.M.

Pedagogical support for children from disadvantaged families

Zautorova E.V., Mаltseva A.V.

Criminal procedure and criminalistic aspects of the biometric registration

Glazunovа I.V.

Board of guardians as a form of interaction and public control in the Russian penal system (historical and legal aspects)

Pavlov A.A.

The problems of provision and verification of information on income, expenditures, about property and obligations of property character of the employees of the penitentiary service of Russia and their relatives

Yakovlev Е.А.

Historical and legal analysis of the Russian Empire cooperation with foreign states on the issues of criminal and criminal procedural law and its impact on criminal law of Russia of the XIX century

Tretyakova E.S.

Some aspects of improving the lecture in the educational process of a higher education institution of law enforcement

Borovik P.L.

Evolution of the adversary (on the example of criminal proceedings)

Petrakova S.A.

Legal regulation of procedure of convicts appeals consideration

Shishkin D.A.

Courts practice of accounting mitigating and aggravating circumstances when sentencing

Kruglikov L.L.

Problematic issues bringing of state employee to disciplinary responsibility for a corruption offense

Zavitova S.V., Ryzhov E.V.

Legal thinking as professional competence and methods of its formation

Sofronova S.А.

Religious norms as a basis for differentiating criminal responsibility: the example of norms on crimes in the field of innovation

Nekrasov V.N.

On the nature of the law and order and ways to strengthen it

Svinin E.V.

Responsibility for non-observance of ethical and moral requirements by the state employees of the penal system

Korepina A.V.

Administrative prejudice in criminal law: from criticism to understanding

Solovyev V.S., Kiselev S.S.

On the problem of artificial intelligence in criminal law

Bukalerova L.A., Utorova T.N., Sizov D.O.

Features of the maintenance and resocialization of women with young children in the penal institutions of foreign countries

Latysheva L.A.

On the issue of exemption from criminal liability at committing crimes against public security

Anton B.I.

Criminal law measures counteracting coercion to testify in the Republic of Abkhazia

Dzidzaria B.Y.

Actual problems of deportation of foreign citizens sentenced to criminal penalties in the Russian Federation

Perov S.V.

On the issue of punishment for violent crimes provided for in Art. 317 and Art. 318 of the Criminal Code

Ryabchenko O.N.

Methodological Foundations for Developing the Mentoring Institution in Law Enforcement Agencies

Sklyarenko I.S., Blagoveshchenskaya M.A.

Formation of the Concept of “Composition of the Crime” in the Russian Doctrine and Specifics of Its Embodiment in the Composition of Crimes against Family Rights under the 1903 Criminal Code

Skoblikov P.A.

Psychological Criteria of Convict Correction: Development Possibilities and Implementation Problems

Shsherbakov G.V., Balamut A.N., Kryazheva S.G.

Psychodiagnostics and Differentiated Approach Criteria in Penitentiary Psychology

Sobchik L.N.

Principles of Penitentiary Crime Prevention: Conditioning Factors, Sources and Their Classification

Teplyashin P.V.

Fulfillment of Obligations Prescribed by National Legislation and International Treaties when Deciding on Extradition of Persons for Criminal Prosecution or Sentence Execution

Shatalov A.S.

Structure of Meso- and Microcycles of the Preparatory Period in the Shooter Technical Training Program

Pogodin V.A., Zautorova E.V.

Current State and Promising Directions of Professional and Pedagogical Training of the Penal System Employees to Work with Juvenile Offenders

Kryazheva S.G., Kovtunenko L.V.

Interaction between Territorial Bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to Prevent Recidivism among Those Sentenced to Punishment without Isolation from Society

Yurova Y.V.

Life Path and Activity of a Penitentiary Psychologist, Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Colonel of the Internal Service Dmitrii V. Sochivko

Sochivko O.I., Plotkin D.M.

Developing the Readiness of Correctional Officers to Act in Emergency Situations in the Context ofImplementation of the Competence-Based Approach in Educational Process

Lobanova E.S., Kirillova T.V., Smykovskii V.V.

Pedagogical Technology as a Means to Develop Educational Self-Sufficiency in Students of Higher Education Organizations of FSIN Russia

Panova O.B.

Review by the official opponent on the Doctor of Sciences (Law) dissertation of Sergei A. Bochkarev “Theoretical and methodological study of criminal law as a system of scientific knowledge”, specialties 12.00.01 – Theory and history of law and state; history of doctrines on law and state; 12.00.08 – Criminal law and criminology; penal law

Golik Y.V.

To the 300th anniversary of the Russian police (XVIII – early XX century)

Spasennikov B.A.

Formation of teacher’s professional culture in the system of retraining and improvement of professional skill of employees

Homyakova O.V.

The interraction of penitentiary establishments and Russian Orthodox Church as one of directions of criminal procedure policy

Zautorova E.V.

The elements of criminalistic characteristics of economic crimes committed by people deprived of libert

Первушина А.А.

Illegal corporate seizures in the Russian Federation: concept, dynamics, structure

Shatalov A.S., Aronov A.V.

Relationships within the family as a factor for violent crimes

Rakitskaya O.N., Morozova N.O.

Psychological monitoring of professional burnout of employees of the Federal penal Service of Russia

Cherkasova M.A.

The formation peculiarities of the social-psychological competence of the penal officers

Kachkina L.S.

The use of information and communication technologies in educational process of high school

Ryumin R.V.

Effective methods for improvement in fire preparedness of students of Perm penalty institute, useing physical trainings

Solonicin R.A.

Concerning the problem of definition of the concept and subject of Post-Penitentiary Pedagogic

Zlobin S.I.

The problem of trust and the transmission mechanism of the monetary policy

Olesheva E.E., Koshko O.V.

Theoretical approaches to identifying the essence of the concept of «professional burnout»

Cherkasova M.A.

The subject and limits of the operative detective activity’s legal regulations in the penal system

Tschetnev L.Е.

About the new reform of criminal and criminal procedure legislation in Switzerland

Schmid M.., Ogrokhina E.A.

Technical-promotional activities: the concept and main features

Serebryakova Е.Е.

Research and innovation: concepts, basic trends, results and values

Oboturova G.N.

Social and psychological competence juvenile offenders as part of the process of re-socialization

Tretiak E.S., Nizovets E.N.

Actual problems in the activities of penal inspectorates: results of empirical research

Golodov P.V.

Estimate of property damage in institutions and authorities of the penal system: economic and legal aspects

Grigoriev G.V.

Personality disorder convicted in penal practice

Spasennikov B.A., Vilkova A.V.

Procedural safeguards the rights of convicts at various stages of the transfer to serve his sentence in the state of their nationality

Santashova L.L., Santashov A.L.

Psychological mechanisms of forming of group legal sense of convicts

Suchkova Е.L.

Methodical recommendations for optimization experiences among male prisoners serving long prison terms

Pozdnyakov V.M., Rogach V.G.

On the need for unification of the purposes of punishment in criminal and penal legislation

Santashov A.L.

Differentiation and individualization of execution imprisonment when changing the type of correctional institution

Sereda S.P.

To the question of psychological-pedagogical influence on prisoners, having religious extremist beliefs

Zautorova E.V.

A comparative analysis of the imprisonment of minors by court order in Slovenia and Switzerland

Mogilenko N.S., Kolmakova N.L.

The use of correcting assessment of persons sentenced to imprisonment in the process of differentiation and individualization of punishment execution

Yanchuk I.A.

Topical issues of interaction between the bodies of pretrial investigation and operational units of the Federal Penal Service of Russia in the investigation of frauds committed with use of cellular communication in the conditions of correctional institutions

Morozov R.M., Ostapenko V.N.

On the issue of medical criteria of insanity

Spasennikov B.A., Tikhomirov A.N.

Differentiation and individualization of grounds establishing a post-penitentiary monitoring

Sergeev D.N.

Technologies in the criminal legislation of Russia: problems and prospects

Nekrasov V.N.

Possibilities of using case technology in teaching training discipline «Personnel Management»

Malkova L.L., Kolyev А.А.

Stage of resumption of criminal proceedings of new and newly discovered circumstances: appointment and grounds of proceedings

Valeev A.T., Belov O.A., Sofiychuk N.V.

On the new Probation Service Standards in the Penal System of the Concordat Northwestern and Central Switzerland

Schmid M.., Ogrokhina E.A.

Criminal responsibility for illicit arms trafficking in the countries of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Union

I. M.M.

The initial stage of serving a sentence in the form of liberty deprivation: problems of conceptual definition

Yuzhanin V.E.

Problems of unification of the military-criminal and procedural legislation in the XIX – early XX centuries

Santashov A.L., Sukhondyaeva T.Y.

The illegal influence on the results of contests and tenders as an offence against freedom of competition: errors of criminalization and legislative technology

Druzhinin S.V.

Socio-psychological determinants of the retail sale of alcohol to minors

Berndt A.A.

The forensic significance of data on the methods of committing murders by convicts оn the territory of correctional institutions

Dechkin O.M.

Questions of criminal policy in the field of differentiation and individualization of responsibility for juvenile offenders (genesis of legislation, current state, international experience)

Santashov A.L.

Peculiarities of life plans of the penal system employees with different service length

Lapshin V.E., Galich T.V.

Role of Public Associations in Educational and Social Work in Penitentiary Institutions

Timoshchuk A.S.

Attitude of Convicts Addicted to Alcohol to Their Family

Zautorova E.V.

Constitutional Values and Axiological Aspects of Understanding a General Object of Crime in the Criminal Law Doctrine

Solodovchenko D.D., Zaryaev V.A.

Modern Trends in the Development of Military Criminal Law in Russia

Utorova T.N., Shalegin S.P.

Obstruction of a public event, committed by the official: questions of the object interpretation

Gutnov G.V.

Problem of housing of officers of penal system according criminal-executive system reforming

Kolyev А.А., Rassadina M.N.

Organizing and functional aspect of a medical leader’s activity in the penal system

Ushkov F.I.

Specific features of the penal system’s personnel disciplinary responsibility

Koloskov A.M.

Penitentiary stress

Chirkov А.М.

Peculiarities of physical training of students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federal Penal Service in the physical culture with the application of psychophysical methods

Saunina G.N.

Formation of the motivational value attitude to the physical training of cadets of a departmental institute of higher education

Saunina G.N., Matveev А.P.

On the question of Personality’s transformation of young ages prisoners when using the right to of non-convoy movement outside the correctional institution (strict regime penal colony as an example)

Mikhaylov A.N.

On implementation of the psychocorrection program «Prosocial personality development of juvenile alternatively convicted minors»

Sobolev N.G.

The resource potential of industrial sector of the penal system of Russia

Matveeva N.S.

The study of personality sentenced to life imprisonment as the basis of social and psychological activity

Третьяк Е.С.

Evaluation of the requirements for the penal system chiefs

Kolyev А.А.

Actual problems of protection of a competition

Zhdanov I.J.

The Essence and Maintenance of Pedagogical Training of Executive System Employees to Infant Prisoners Legal Resocialization

Scientific relevance and research issues of criminal opposition counteracting of the Russian Federal Penal System

Kutyakin S.A.

Protection of human rights in governmental process and its parity with legality in the governmental management

Kupeeva D.C.

Market failure and state failure: achieving of the institutional balance

Koshko O.V.

Convicts’ notions of the circumstances in which they committed their crimes

Suchkova Е.L.

Improving the efficiency of prosecutorial supervision for the legality of the criminal procedural activities of the institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia during the preliminary investigation

Kunitsin S.N.

To the question about foreign practice of electronic monitoring of controlled persons

Timofeeva E.A., Motin О.А.

Club and amateur in a juvenile educational colony

Belyaeva L.I.

The suspension of criminal proceedings in the case of inability to participate suspect, accused in a criminal case

Yakubova S.M.

Subjective-active approach to personal development and formation of optimal experiences among prisoners serving long prison terms

Rogach V.G.

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the research of the legal consciousness psychology

Suchkova Е.L.

Some aspects of the penal crime prevention

Khokhrin S.A.

The use of compulsory medical measures against convicts: problems of differentiation and individualization

Santashov A.L., Efremova N.М.

Research program of employees self-discipline in the State Penitentiary Service of Ukraine

Shamruk O.P.

The nature and essence of pathological adaptation of convicts

Baburin S.V.

Legal consolidation and practice of application of penalties related to the restriction of liberty, during the reign of Peter I

Medvedev A.A.

Organizational and legal aspects of informatization of analytical work and professional interaction of staff in correctional institutions

Malkova L.L.

Legal consequences of alcohol intoxication sentenced to imprisonment

Kiselev M.V., Alfimova О.А.

Criteria for the behavior evaluation of the convicts in the penal law: issues of systematization

Rudakov A.M., Golodov P.V.

Forms of the exercise of judicial power in criminal proceedings in the context of the procedural status of the court as a participant in criminal proceedings

Lutsenko P.A.

Cloud services in teaching informatics as a means of developing ICT competence of students and cadets

Babkin А.А., Golubev O.B.

Law enforcement agencies to combat crime in the Vologda region in 1985–1991 years

Kuzminуkh A.L.

Differentiation of punishment for crimes in the field of migration

Utorova T.N.

Forced labor: appointment problems and execution

Bodrykh S.E.

On the protest actions of convicts in organizing their work in the pre-war years (1937 - June 1941)

Kuzmin S.I.

On the experience of organizing zonal control over the inquiry units of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level

Derbina O.V., Kalacheva A.V.

Preconditions for establishment the procedural order for initiation of proceedings in a criminal case in the Russian legislation of the 11th-17th centuries

Krymov V.A.

Court Prosecutor’s Activity

Pal’chikova N.V.

The role of family and reference groups in the formation of the illegal behavior of minors

Shishigina S.N., Smoleva E.O.

Victimological aspects of the criminal situation and their role in improving the efficiency of the penal system

Volkova V.V., Popova V.I., Morev M.V.

On the possibility of using cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy in the treatment and prevention of psychosomatic and neuropsychiatric disorders persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty

Gladkov E.A., Lobanova E.S.

Philosophical-anthropological foundations of psychotherapy of convicts

Chirkov A.M., Oboturova N.S.

Development of certification according the system of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) on an example of timber industry holding of Joint-Stock Company “Investlesprom”

Konjushatov O.A., Korchagov S.A., Malysheva N.A.

About influence of topography anatomic elements on density and purity characteristics

Antonov A.M., Konovalov D.Y., Korchagov S.A., Chalych D.E.

Penitentiary stress

Chirkov А.М.

Some characteristics of temporary prospect of male convicts’ personality with drug dependency

Lobanova E.S., Mikhailova A.A.

Franchaising at regional educational market

Shichkov A.N., Perfilyev A.M.

The problem of determination of the general legal principle of humanism as a principle of penal law

Malysheva I.V.

Common approaches to juvenile court proceedings in Russia and Germany

Kolpakova L.А.

History of GULAG in the modern historiography

Belova N.A.

Psychological peculiarities of juvenile offenders, affecting their re-socialization

Marishin S.V.

About use of mathematical model with information support of decision-making in Russian Penal Service

Shahov O.A., Babkin А.А., Lebedev A.V.

The ecological perspectives of retrofitting the diesel engines to run on natural gas

Rudakov L.V.

Female crime in Republic of Belarus: status, structure, dynamics and character

Svilo S.M.

Formation process of departmental educational institutions of the Federal Penal Service graduates in their professional activities

Кiselev M.V., Stepanova O.N.

The international penal congresses and the development of study on juvenile delinquent upbringing

Belyaeva L.I.

English progressive system of imprisonment: history and modern time

Fumm A.M.

Legal Organizing and Technical Aspects of Application Videoconference Communication in Courts of Arbitration of Russian Federation

Shibaev D.V.

Corruption in the penal system

Volkova V.V., Ilyin B.V.

Psychotherapy of destructive consequences of prison stress

Baburin S.V.

Specifics of using the Internet in the investigation of extremist crimes

Gerasimenko N.I.

Emergency legislation of Mongolia

Starostin S.A.

Psychological correction value-sense sphere of convicts serving sentences for the first time in the form of imprisonment

Suchkova Е.L., Stefan E.F.

Psychodynamics of the staff personality of the Federal Penal Service of Russia at various stages of adapting to the professional service

Kryaklin К.V.

Credit possibilities and restrictions of the formation of market mode in the industrial sector

Koshko O.V.

The problem of the establishment and functioning of the institution assistant chief of the territorial bodies of the Federal Penal Service of Russia for the organization of work with spirituals

Matveev D.O.

Problems of criminal liability for illegal crossing of the State border of the Russian Federation and their solutions

Utorova T.N.

To the question of the use of weapons by the staff of penal system and requirement to their professional qualities

Viktorova T.V.

Legal and organizational aspects of marketing in penitentiary institutions

Kolyev А.А., Sukhareva M.V.

On the formation of the moral and psychological resistance of personnel of security department in the correctional institution to service in arms

Zautorova E.V., Viktorova T.V.

Legislative activity of the Russian Federation in the sphere of establishing administrative liability

Ageev A.A.

Modern juvenile technologies in the criminal process in Russia

Kolpakova L.A.

Special measures to ensure the personal safety of juvenile offenders in prison

Potapov A.M., Pakanich S.I.

Voluntary insurance of convicts

Popovich M.M.

Studying of research skills formation of cadets of a departmental institute of higher education

Slobodskaya I.N., Filipova E.E.

Legal regulation of personnel training for penal system of the Russian Federation on educational programs of higher education

Kukhtin A.A., Kharyushin D.V., Odintsov A.I.

Comparative characteristics of the penalties for smuggling in Russia and in some foreign countries

Kuznetsovа N.V.

Problems of implementing the progressive system in the execution of imprisonment

Fomichev D.A.

Personality of the convict deliberately caused serious harm to health while serving his sentence in the correctional colony

Akchurin A.V.

Data on the personality characteristics of convicts committed the grievous bodily injury in a correctional facility

Dechkin O.M.

On the issue of the spread of extremism in prisons

Tsipilev S.N.

Legal basis for implementation of the comprehensive assessment system professional employment activity in the bodies and institutions of the penal system

Korepina A.V.

On the causes and conditions of mass disorders committed by convicts in places of detention

Alimpiev A.A.

Legal Regulation of the Organization of Supervision of Convicts for Forced Labor in Correctional Centers

Chernyshenko E.V.

Personal features of effective employees of the patrol service

Nosova N.V., Tsaturyan М.О.

Peculiarities of educational work with minor convicts of suicidal behavior in the penal institutions

Zautorova E.V.

Modern tendencies of criminal policy and strategy of counteraction of crime

Schepanyak P..

The system of automated projects of constant thermo processing of materials with polymerous covering

Osipov S.Y., Osipov Y.R., Levykina O.V., Volkova S.V.

Drug addict dependents` peculiarities of referring to time

Denisova T.N.

About the development of socially-legal protection of criminal penal system’s personnel with the help of special inner investigation of cases on committed office violations

Ananyev O.G.

The ratio of the doctrinal and legal definitions of competition

Kinev A.Y.

Legal support of the re-socialization of persons who have served their sentence, in a retrospective Revue

Belyaeva L.I.

Some issues concerning juvenile involvement in drug using Article 157, Article 249 Part 2 Paragraph, the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic

Ismailov R.Т.

Problems and perspectives of the use of freedom restriction in the context of the penal system reforming

Borovikov S.A., Ryabkova E.O.

Problems of the formation of the service of prison priests (chaplains) in Russia

Matveev D.O.

The foreign experience and perspectives of the probation service organization in Russia: organizational – legal aspects

Golodov G.V.

Criminalization of acts motivated by the hatred or enmity: for and against

Sysoev A.M.

The special features of legal regulation and the characteristics of hate crimes in Germany

Sysoev A.M.

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of psychodynamics the personality of juvenile alternatively convicted persons

Krukova E.V.

V.A. Sollogub and his experiments in the field of the convict labour organization

Lebedev V.B., Stepanova E.V.

System of measures to stimulate legislative behaviour of the minors condemned to imprisonment in the penitentiary legislation of foreign countries

Prokhorova М.V.

The systems approach to the study of religious extremism

Proletenkova S.E.

On the essense of one-man and cooperative menagement in relation to the penitentiary sistem`s regulation

Makarova T.V.

Features of role behavior of convicts

Pestrikov D.V., Daty A.V.

The concept and the administrative-legal nature of public service in the prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation

Smirnov A.V.

Examination of convicts in the penal medicine and criminal procedure

Kolpakova L.A.

Using the printed notebook on in the career guidance of employees of social protection of convicted in education colonies

Barysheva A.V.

The problems of formation of official loyalty of penal staff officers

Gornostaev S.V.

Labor stimulation of convicts in penal systems of European countries

Ovchinnikov S.N.

Psychological aspects of the humanization limits of juvenile criminal and criminal-executive legislation

Pozdnyakov V.M.

Some general theoretical, technical and legal aspects of the legal culture of the penal legislation

Karpunina V.V.

Organizational and legal features and problems of management of the departmental educational organizations in connection with adoption of the Federal law «About education in the Russian Federation»

Yemelyanov S.N.

The method of committing illicit traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in correctional facilities of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Chernyshenko E.V.

Positive thinking and its relation to occupational stress level of the penal institutions officers

Lobanova E.S., Fedoseyeva I.A.

Types of decisions made by a criminal court at the resumption of proceedings in view of new and newly discovered circumstances

Valeev A.T.

Improving the legal regulation of incentive measures and penalties applied to those sentenced to imprisonment

Santashova L.A., Khudyakova E.A.

Directions of development of the operational-search activity in the penal system

Goryainov K.K., Zaichenko E.Y.

Model of professional activity on the example of the unit chief in the correctional institution

Speranskaya A.V.

Peculiarities of the representations of the graduates of the departmental institution of the Penal Penitentiary Service of Russia about their future profession

Marishin S.V.

A concise overview of penal practice in Slovenia: prison overcrowding

Meško G.., Druzhininskaya O.V.

Features of overcoming the opposition carried out by suspects (accused) at the initial stage of the investigation of distance fraud committed in prisons

Morozov R.M., Ostapenko V.N.

Development of Russian legislation in the sphere of execution of punishments in the XVIII century

Fumm A.M., Yakovleva O.N.

Some questions of punishments execution and criminal law measures without isolation from a society concerning minor convicts

Kazarinova L.V., Degtyareva О.L.

The subject and scope of evidence in cases of administrative offenses in the activities of correctional institutions and pre-trial detention facilities of the penal system

Ponikarov V.A.

Freedom of conscience without liability as a cause of juvenile crime

Rudakov A.M.

Obtaining confession by employees of territorial operational units of the Federal Penal Service of Russia for crimes committed by convicts prior to arrival in correctional facilities

Volkov D.Y.

Оn the issue of liberalization of punishment in the tax area

Yadrikhinsky S.A.

Peculiarities of motivation convicts with different level of self-esteem, registered in the penal inspections

Marishin S.V.

Personal characteristics of male convicts prone to suicidal behavior

Rogach V.G., Polyakova Е.А.

Criteria and indicators of the effectiveness professional retraining of the detachments chiefs of convicts

Igumnova O.V.

Conflict regulation of the form of testamentary dispositions

Valkova E.V.

Prevention of crimes as an important function of the penal system in Kazachstan Republic

Ayubaev M.A.

Psychology correction of aggressive behavior of men convicts with long term of imprisonment

Stefan E.F.

The specificity of valuable orientations of teenagers’ with deviant behaviour

Fokina I.V.

International law and prisoners of war: the problem of legal protection prisoners of war and interned persons

Kuzminуkh A.L.

V.A. Sollogub and his participation in the process of reforming the penal system (1870–1874)

Lebedev V.B., Stepanova E.V.

Organisation of probation service for juveniles in Russia

Oronova Е.L.

Peculiarities of formation of ecclesiastical jurisdiction in penal policy of the XVIII–XIX centuries

Pavlushkov A.R.

On the issue of the appearance of the Vologda transit route for convicts in the XVIII century

Pavlushkov A.R.

Administrative and arbitration legal proceedings: parity and development tendencies

Sergeev G.A.

Negative conditions of the education agreement of state civil servants

Minnigulova D.B.

Chriminological characteristics of persons inveigling the juvenile into taking illegal drugs and psychotropic substances

Ismailov R.Т.

Experience of the organization of scientific activities in form of teleconference with application of assets of videoconference-bridging in the departmental Law institute (on the matters of the Informatics and Mathematics chair of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Penal System of Russia and of the Law Informatics chair of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Academy of the Republic of Belarus)

Shakhov O.A., Shabanov V.B., Babkin А.А., Sadelnikov B.A., Borovik P.L.

Treason and espionage: questions of exemption from criminal responsibility

Antonov A.G.

To the question of the concept of the Federal law «About the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation»

Pavlovsky S.A.

On the criminal policy of juvenile

Sereda S.P.

Psychological assistance as a means of correcting convicted

Spasennikov B.A.

Psychological reasons and conditions of deviant behavior of juveniles in the temporary detention centers for minor delinquents

Cvetkov V.L., Hrustaleva T.A.

Psycho clinical personality profile convicts not in the medical and preventive supervision in prison

Burtsev A.O.

Criminal legal significance of mental disorders

Tikhomirov A.N., Spasennikov B.A., Vilkova A.V.

Psychological features of legal consciousness of Prisoners serving life sentences

Stukanov V.G.

Improvement of the qualified staff selection for recruitment in the penal system

Kolyev А.А., Kuzminchuk I.N.

Improving the educational, social and psychological work in the penal system: integration of theory and practice

Baburin S.V.

The value of legal facts in the mechanism of the penal regulation

Novikov E.E.

Concept of managerial decision in penal service: legal aspect

Vodopolov A.I.

Features of the investigative work of employees of operational units of the Federal Penal Service

Nesterova O.I.

Individually-typological features of universities athletes of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, specializing in various types of martial arts

Zharkih A.A., Ankudinov N.V., Denisov D.G.

Some questions of penal practice of correctional labor

Krasotkin P.N., Tarabuev L.N.

The study of the phenomenon of professional identity in various areas of psychological science

Strelnikova Y.Y., Emelyanova S.V.

Mediation in the Russian criminal proceedings: some aspects

Lyutynsky A.M.

Theoretical and methodological problems of psychology study convicted group sense of justice

Suchkova Е.L.

Classification of normative acts regulating the law enforcement activities of special units of institutions and agences performing functions in the field of criminal penalties

Ponikarov S.V.

Dimensional approach to evaluation personality disorders of convicts using the method of calculation of psychodynamic coefficients of color preferences by D. V. Sochivko

Sochivko O.I., Didenko A.V.

Some problems of perfection of punishment execution in the form of imprisonment in Russia

Dvoryanskov I.V., Zlotnikov S.A.

Problematical issues of determining the signs of the insignificance of administrative offense

Derbina O.V., Kupeeva L.С.

Institute of rehabilitation in the criminal procedure: its purpose and effectiveness

Khuzina N.A., Ratnikova N.D.

Features of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus regulating the legal status of minors serving sentences

Sharkova E.A.

Prospects for the development of incentive standards and institutions applied to convicts serving sentences in institutions of the penal system

Babayan S.L.

Administrative activity of bodies and institutions of the penal system: concept, nature and content

Nagornykh R.V.

On the construction of the purpose of punishment in criminal law

Borovikov S.A.

Development of basic approach to delinquent behavior formalization

Ogorodnikova T.V., Ogorodnikov A.P.

The main directions of studying the psychology of the convicts sense of justice in contemporary foreign studies

Suchkova Е.L.

Use of project technologies in training cadets

Kolyev А.А.

What is the expense of life?

Ischenko E.P.

The organization of community structures as the means of prison protection

Schepanyak P..

Criminal policy concerning juveniles in the republic of Belarus

Mitnick P.V.

The program “Life abilities” as a methodic instrument of organization of making-ready convicted for discharge (by the example of Federal Penal Service Board of Russia in Murmansk region)

Konovalova N.A.

Inspection and filtration of «displaced persons» on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR in the initial period of repatriation (september–december 1944)

Meleshko N.B.

Criminal responsibility for mediation in crime commission under Code of Criminal and Correctional Punishments

Sungatullin A.Y.

Towards the question of a berthing space rendering in law-enforcement system’s bodies and establishments

Pavlovski S.A.

Protection of prisoners of war and internees in the camps of the NKVD-MVD of the USSR

Kuzminуkh A.L.

Bavaria penal legislation

Serebrennikova A.V.

Some Questions of Health Protection of Convicts if Pre-revolutionary Russia

Nikolaev R.U.

Russian оrthodox сhurch and рrisons: а tradition of relationships

Belova N.A.

The experience of the Chuvash Republic in application of juvenile technologies in work with juvenile delinquents

Gorodnicheva E.А.

Ways to improve the effectiveness of scientific support of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Shatalov Y.N.

About the police structure in Russia in accordance with «deanery or police statute»

Oblitzov I.А.

International law and prisoners of war: the problem of legal protection prisoners of war and interned persons

Kuzminуkh A.L.

Differentiation of execution of imprisonment in juvenile penitentiary RSFSR 1970

Santashov A.L.

Professional crisis as a factor in the development of professional alienation chiefs of groups in correctional institutions

Fyodorova E.M.

Psychological mechanisms of development of social intelligence of juvenile convicts

Zautorova E.V., Sobolev N.G.

Socio-psychological determinants of the spiritual and moral development of cadets higher educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Egorushkina Y.S.

Prospects for improving the theory and normative regulation of totality of offenses

Dosayeva G.S.

To the question of the application of automated (robotic) systems of security and firing in the security of the penal system institutions

Maslennikov E.E.

Actual questions of application of deferment of serving sentence for drug addicts

Zvonov A.V.

On the question of social and psychological rehabilitation of convicts to life imprisonment in preparation for release (including grant of parole)

Starodubtseva O.N., Balamut A.N.

Realization of other convictions by convicted minors: organizational and legal aspects

Rudakov A.M.

Security, national security, immigration security, national migration policy: analysis of definitions, the ratio of categories

Stepanov A.V.

Administrative and legal support for the execution of criminal sentences by institutions and authorities of the penal system: problem statement

Senatova E.V.

Features of physical training of students enrolled in educational institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia and psycho-functional state of cadets during professional training

Saunina G.N., Matveev A.P.

Category «customs value» in the domestic legislation

Nikityuk S.M.

Psychological features of family-parental relations of women who have previously served imprisonment

Cherkasova M.A.

Features of checking by the correctional institution administration the report of a crime

Krymov A.A.

Some aspects of the anti-corruption psychoprophylaxis with employees of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Fedorova E.M., Pervozvansky V.B.

Administrative and legal means of regulation of public service in law enforcement

Nagornykh R.V.

On the concept of «constructive behavior of the employees of the penal system»

Pestrikov D.V.

Administrative discretion in the management practice of institutions and bodies of the penal system

Golodov P.V.

Human rights and freedoms fixed in the Convention 1950 for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and its Protocols

Kirilovskaya N.N.

Actualization of repentance of juvenile convicts by pedagogical means

Panova O.B., Zautorova E.V.

The legislative model the initial inquiry, investigator at the stage of criminal proceedings termination

Khatuayeva V.V.

To the issue of professionalization of the legal conscience employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Kuchenev A.V.

The ideas of conservatism in the methodology of legal psychology and psychotherapy of convicts

Kovalev S.V., Chirkov A.M.

Disobedience to the lawful order of law enforcement officers under Art. 19.3 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

Maloletkina N.S.

State, current problems and prospects for the development of psychotherapy methodology for convicts

Oboturova N.S., Chirkov A.M.

Peculiarities of interpersonal interaction prisoners with high penitentiary status

Stefan E.F.

On the application of computer testing systems for testing knowledge of students and cadets of higher education institutions

Babkin А.А., Golubev O.B., Testov V.А.

Foreign prisoners of war; of the Great Patriotic War in the Urals: number, structure, accommodation

Motrevich V.P.

To the question of subject of crime in the criminal law

Попов В.В., Spasennikov B.A., Malinin V.B.

Some certain issues on the protection of human rights according to the criminal and the criminal-executive legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Akkulev A.S.

The evaluation of investment opportunities of the employees of the Penal System at the regional housing market

Kolyev А.А.

The forms of punishment and enforcement measures in the criminal legislation of Switzerland

Schmid M.., Ogrokhina E.A.

Legal Nature of Harmonization of Criminal Procedural Law within the European Union

Meshcheriakova О.М.

Participation of orthodox clergy in Obshchestva Popechitelnogo activity about Prisons in the Vologda province

Tikhomirov E.V.

Legal status of OST-arbiters like consequence of the implementation political and economic interests of the leadership of Third Reich

Cherniavskiy V.V.

Concerning the main peculiarities of the penal and enforcement measures system of Switzerland

Schmid M.., Ogrokhina E.A.

The formation and development of scientific school “the problems of bodies and institutions of the federal penal service administering perfection at the department of administrative-legal disciplines of the vologda institute of law and economics”

Egoshin V.V.

Legal regulation of a mode of a military captivity in the USSR in the Second World War: the theory and practice

Kuzminуkh A.L.

The Criminal Policy in Proceedings by the Russian Scientist in the Beginning of the 20th Century

Magusa A.O.

«Great terror» and development of the correction and labor camp system on the European north of Russia

Upadyshev N.V.

The Formation of Criminal Liability and Regulation of Penalty for Extremist Orientation Crimes in Russia

Petryanin A.V.

Kolodniky (arrested persons) of the Apostolic Synod: the legal status and legal implementation

Pavlushkov A.R.

Establishing of basis of norms and rights, that is standing order of sentence execution in relation to juveniles in the prerevolutionary period of time

Ivanyackov R.I., Karaseva J.M., Khodarenko M.I.

Psychodynamic types of adaptive behavior of employees of the Federal Penal Service of Russia in the course of professional adaptation

Kryaklin К.V.

Radicalisation in prison: social identity approach

Bovin B.G., Kazberov P.N., Bovina I.B.

Research of saw goods make from composite sawlog with stump rot

Mikryukova E.V., Toropov A.S.

Ideas sociological school of criminal law and their demand in the legislative practice

Sytch K.A.

Topical issues of admission to study in educational institutions of higher education of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Perov S.V.

The voluntary work in penitentiary establishments in Germany

Chernysheva O.M., Konzak D..

Comparative analysis of psychopatization and personality disorders among female convicts serving sentences in prisons

Sochivko O.I., Didenko A.V.

On some directions of improving the educational process with convicts in penal institutions

Pisarev О.М., Efimenko А.А.

Legal regulation of imprisonment in France in the XIII–XV centuries

Naryshkinа N.I.

Soteriological potential for the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of legal psychology and psychotherapy of convicts

Kovalev S.V., Chirkov A.M., Oboturova N.S.

Features of formation of information and communication competence of the graduate of the departmental high school

Babkin А.А., Shakhov O.A.

Experience of labor education and social adaptation of convicts in Bavaria (Germany)

Chernysheva O.M.

Actual issues of improving the psychotherapeutic activities of prison psychologist

Balamut A.N., Cherkasova M.A.

The relationship of personality competences and mental states of persons on remand

Shuleva E.I.

Typical investigative situations and versions of the initial stage of investigation of a drug trafficking in penal institutions of Federal Penal Service of Russia

Kissel E.V.

Organization of education juvenile offenders in the Vologda correctional asylum (late XIX – beginning of XX centuries)

Belyaeva L.I.

Psychotherapeutic potential of social constructivism

Rakitskaya O.N., Seryakova I.N.

Settlement problems of psychological counseling convicts

Slobodchikov I.M.

Features of manifestation of tolerance of employees in various areas of professional in federal services subordinate Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

Vinarchik E.A., Lapshin V.E.

Workshop in prisons: organization of socio-cultural activities of convicts

Serebryanik E.V.

Trends in the application of criminal penalties

Silkin V.P.

Social-psychological features of life prospects of delinquent adolescents

Krasnenkova S.A., Markova I.I.

System-based definition and measurement of spirituality of personality of a cadet of a departmental university

Malysheva O.A., Malyshev K.B., Sobolev N.G.

Correlation features of psychological defense mechanism with the intelligence level of the enforcement officers

Lapshin V.E., Vinarchik E.A.

Study of social attitudes towards migrant of students in a departmental university

Malyshev K.B., Malysheva O.A.

To the question about archaization psychological space of the person in imprisonment places

Pisarev О.М.

On the development and implementation of the educational model of professional orientation of minor convicts sentenced to imprisonment

Barysheva A.V.

Readiness of minors sentenced to imprisonment to professional self-determination as a problem of the modern pedagogical science

Barysheva A.V.

Organizational maintenance of activity of world justice in pre-revolutionary Russia (on materials of the Vologda province)»

Kuznetsova E.V.

Plant take-over: theoretic-legal analysis

Istomina M.V.

The problems relating to the contents of the first part of Criminal science

Chelysheva O.V.

Innovation approaches towards the rehabilitation and re-socialization of convicts with the use informational and computer technologies.

Shakhov O.A., Babkin А.А., Kryukova D.Y.

Individual preventive measures against evasion of serving non-custodial sanctions

Bandolya L.G.

Deprivation of liberty in the modern Russian and Norwegian criminal law

Minyazeva T.F.

To the question of the history of procedural regulation and tactical methods of interrogation in Russia in the time of Peter I

Zinchenko P.I.

Some questions of comparative analysis of the concept of criminal responsibility differentiation in the foreign and Russian legislation

Donets S.P.

Problems of the prevention of criminality of minors in Northwest Federal district of Russia

Lapshin V.F.

Concerning foundation and development of the scientific school “Criminal – processing activity of bodies and institutions of the penal executive system” in the chair of criminal process and criminalistics of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Russian Penal System

Belov O.A.

The reform of penitentiary establishments in Germany

Chernysheva O.M.

Mechanisms of psychological protection of female convicts with personality disorders (psychopathy)

Sochivko O.I.

Cultural conformity principle in specialists’ professional training in departmental educational organizations

Meshcheryakova E.I.

Transhumanism – utopia or reality?

Oboturova G.N.

Проблемные вопросы применения амнистии в отношении лиц женского пола, содержащихся под стражей

Pavlov A.A.

Place and role of the penal system in the state mechanism of the United States of America

Bykov A.V., Spasennikov B.A., Pertly L.F., Kaluzhina M.A.

Confessional structure of the prison population of the UK

Zheltov А.А.

On the formation by cadets of the departmental institute of personal position of the employee of the penal system

Borozdina O.S.

Anathema as a form of criminal and political repression in the punitive policy of the Russian state

Pavlushkov A.R.

The study of existential values of HIV-infected prisoners sentenced to imprisonment

Zautorova E.V.

Adaptation of the convicts personality to the conditions of serving the sentence in prison as a psychological and pedagogical problem

Tyugaeva N.А.

Psychophysiological compatibility of a specialist cynologist and service dog

Kusakina E.A., Malchikov R.V.

Features of burnout among correctional officers included in the official communication with the prisoners

Stefan E.F.

Characteristics of the psychological well-being of the staff in the penal system, implementing professional activities in direct interaction with convicts

Rogach V.G.

Using special knowledge in investigating disorganization activities in the institutions providing isolation from society

Tsyvkunov A.G.

Effect of informatization of the educational environment on the formation of general cultural competence of students

Oboturova N.S.

On the experience of using the potential of films of a spirituallymoral orientation in the process of resocialization of convicts in the conditions of the penitentiary system

Starodubtseva O.N., Balamut A.N., Reduoga N.V.

Features of emotional states of the persons under investigation

Marishin S.V.

Implementation of a practice-oriented approach in the professional training of cadets in the field of «Personnel Management»

Rassadina M.N.

On the issue of conclusion urgent labor contracts with prisoners sentenced to deprivation of liberty, attracted to paid work

Strogovich Y.N.

The relationship between the degree of rationality of attitudes and the sense of happiness of cadets

Basina T.А.

Modern forms of prevention suicidal behavior of convicts in the practice of the Public Council at the Federal Penal Service on the problems of the penal system

Vorobyov S.M., Skripkina T.P.

Socio-psychological analysis of the correlation between the motivation of self-destruction and personality traits of delinquents

Krasnenkova S.A., Kreneva Y.A.

On the guidelines for assessing psychological readiness for release of convicts with life imprisonment sentences

Balamut A.N., Pozdnyakov V.M.

On the basic foundations in formation moral and patriotic values of cadets: a comparative analysis of methodological approaches

Gushchina Т.N.

The responsibility for beating in the current legislation: non-indisputable provisions of the federal law of 07.02.2017 No. 8-FZ

Kruglikov L.L., Santashov A.L.

Essential characteristics of the anti-corruption outlook of the university cadets in the Federal Penal Service

Okhapkin S.V.

Research of reflection of officers of criminal-executive system

Rakitskaya O.N.

Suspended sentence on illegal turnover of armament; if there will be reasonable limitations?

Shuiski A.S.

Social liberalization processes as a reason for toughening of criminal prosecution of an individual

Khomyakov O.V.

Capital punishment as a crime deterrent and protection of society factor

Ischenko E.P.

Certification as an element of efficiency improvement of manufacturing sector of the penal system

Zubova А.О.

Counteraction in the course of investigation of drug-trafficking in correctional institutions of Federal Penal Service of Russia and measure to overcome it

Kissel E.V.

Technological support of national penitentiary social work

Kurenkova О.Е.

Transformation of the Marxist theory of state in the modern European social liberal thought

Oboturova N.S.

About the foreign practice of social work in the field of career-guidance among young offenders

Barysheva A.V.

Psychological characteristics of the content of hardiness of the inmates with long terms of punishment

Bystrova T.V.

Methods of organizing work with data exchange buffers in the AKUS software complex when training employees of territorial bodies in advanced training courses and professional retraining of units heads of the penal institutions

Babkin A.A.

Penal policy of the Russian state for juvenile prisoners during the Great Patriotic war

Zautorova E.V.

Theoretical and legal aspects in the sphere of the prevention of crimes: theory and practice

Krasikov V.S., Shabanov V.B.

The Prison Organization in Finland after the reform in 2006.

Druzhininskaya O.V., Koski M..

Features of realization of corrective-labour policy during a new economic policy era by the penal system of the RSFSR in Western Siberia

Micheenkov E.G.

Relations between the notion of «anticipatory pedagogical support» and the process of development of the personality of student

Sysoeva E.V.

Alternatives to imprisonment on legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Tajikistan

Seliverstov V.I., Maystrenko G.A., Baymoldina S.M.

Metaparadigma of spirituality in the methodology of legal psychology

Oboturova N.S., Chirkov A.M., Kovalev S.V.

Civic consciousness as an interdisciplinary category and integrative personality characteristics

Zautorova E.V., Makeyeva I.A.

Features of emotional intelligence of men convicted for violent crimes

Cherkasova M.A.

Teaching design as a way of identity formation of value orientations

Zautorova E.V., Takushevich I.A.

Actual problems of digitalization of education in educational organizations of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Kovtunenko L.V.

Methodological approaches to the formation of emotional culture of the person

Zautorova E.V., Rozova I.N.

Formation of students’ intellectual freedom in the educational activities of the university

Makarkina O.E., Solovyova T.A.

Psychological support of convicts having health restrictions

Maletina E.A., Godovanets O.G., Barskaya A.V.

The study of personality traits of convicts serving sentences for mercenary and violent crimes

Ponkratova V.S.

On the algorithm and software system for testing the motivations of the individual to success and avoiding failures

Panfilova О.А., Naimov A.N.

Strategies for overcoming life difficulties in convicts, serving the long sentences of imprisonment

Rogach V.G.

Legal aspects of attracting to paid work convicts that are serving sentences in institutions of confinement

Volkova V.V., Belova S.N.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle among juvenile prisoners in imprisonment

Kevlya F.I.

Life-meaning orientations of convicts serving sentences of life imprisonment

Stefan E.F.

Theoretical aspects of professional socialization of a future employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia

Kovtunenko L.V., Trubchaninov M.B.

Features of social support convicted foreign citizens (from foreign experience)

Kurenkova О.Е., Shishigina S.N.

Certification as an element of efficiency improvement of manufacturing sector of the penal system

Zubova А.О.

Approaches to prison de-radicalization of the convicted for manifestations of religious extremism in the Middle East and Asia

Sysoev A.M.

Towards social integration

Ataev L.S.

Legal regulation of entrepreneur relations in the Moscow centralized state

Nadezhin N.N.

Quality and fundamental nature of education: correlations and antagonisms

Testov V.А.

Administrative procedural aspects of unfair competition resistance

Kinev A.Y.

The provision of legal assistance for the convicted as a direction of the criminal – procedural activity of the Russian Penal System bodies and institutions

Kolpakova L.A., Uhova E.V.

Information Security and Biometrics

Shvyrev B.A.

Тhe correlation between moral position and socio-psychological characteristics of the individual in the student age

Mazkina O.B.

On the peculiarities of the penalty of deprivation of liberty and enforcement measures under the criminal law against women in Switzerland

Schmid M.., Ogrokhina E.A.

Special hospitals for prisoners of war during the great patriotic war and the post-war period

Kuzminуkh A.L.

On the effectiveness of psycho-correction of relation to the family of women convicted of crimes of a violent nature

Rakitskaya O.N., Morozova N.O.

Self-education as a way of professional development of organizer of educational work with convicts

Serebryanik E.V.

Features of women recozialization sentenced to imprisonment

Latysheva L.A.

Predictive ability of the penal system employee as a prerequisite for the implementation of advance support pupil

Kevlya F.I.

Questions of methodical support of the course «Information Security» and «Information support of state procurements» in the system of higher departmental education

Panfilova О.А., Kryukova D.Y., Babkin А.А.

Effective forms and methods of implementing an individual approach in educational work with convicts in prison

Zautorova E.V., Kovtunenko L.V.

Teaching analysis of the problems of formation of professional self-determination of minors in educational colonies

Barysheva A.V.

Ecological education of convicts in prison

Zautorova E.V.

The study of personality characteristics of students as a condition of increase of efficiency of teaching skills of shooting

Mishchuk A.M.

The moral and legal dilemmas discussing as a means of strengthening the legal re-socialization of juvenile convicts in an educational colony

Panova O.B.

Features of educational work with repeatedly convicted convicts of conflict behavior

Zautorova E.V.

Patriotism as a social phenomenon and integrative property of the individual

Zautorova E.V., Reima O.Y.

Characteristic of moral and aesthetic breeding of convicted women

Zautorova E.V.

On the experience of the formation skills of constructive communication with relatives of convicts at the stage of preparation for release by means of socio-psychological training

Rakitskaya O.N.

A model for formation emotional-volitional stability of cadets of military universities

Kislov V.R.

Correctional centers: additional opportunities

Kashuba Y.A.

Improving the quality of teaching information technologies in a departmental institute of higher education

Panfilova О.А.

The Organizational Support in the Activity of the Worldwide Justice in the Pre-revolutionary Russia (based on the archive of the Vologda region)

Kuznetsova E.V.

On the history of making of public control over the educative colonies activity in the first years of Soviet government

Kolodin R.V.

Militia in the system of agencies connected with combating child neglect and homelessness in the period of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945)

Гусак В.А.

Legal validity of the recommendations of international organizations in the field of criminal justice

Ovchinnikov S.N.

Legal aspects of the Internet in the people’s Republic of China

Azizov R.F.

The organization of entrance examinations using remote technologies for training admission in educational institutions of higher education subordinate to FSIN of Russia

Perov S.V., Motorova N.V.

Features of self-attitude among cadets with different levels of propensity to manipulate

Basina T.А.

About some aspects of criminal responsibility for a specified in the Article 229 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation deed

Zvonova A.V., Pichugin S.A.

The values of family education in the context of Russian legislation (historical and pedagogical aspect)

Volodina L.O.

Social safety of convicted as a specific problem of social work in prison

Kurenkova О.Е., Navolotsky A.V.

Organization of group forms of educational work with juvenile convicts in educational colonies in Russia and Belarus

Khrabrova E.V., Pavlenko D.A.

Short sessions of physical training as the basis for the successful discipline study by the cadets of high schools of the FPS of Russia

Kalinin M.A.

The problem of improving preventive work in the field of social neglect of young people learning in educational institutions

Amosova O.S.

Professional socialization of an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia as a scientific and pedagogical problem

Kovtunenko L.V., Trubchaninov M.B.

The trajectory of the legal re-socialization of juvenile offenders: value-semantic benchmarks

Panova O.B.

Integrated training as an element of extended learning of information security

Vilkova A.V., Litvishkov V.M., Shvyrev B.A.

Anti-corruption personal qualities as goals of education: historical and pedagogical analysis

Panova O.B., Okhapkin S.V.

Digital information environment of educational organization as effectiveness factor of officer training

Avdulov V.A., Korovin D.V.

Optimization of the mechanism of realization of forced labour penalties

Drozdov A.I.

Improving the organization of the educational process through the application of the Web technology quest in the independent work of cadets

Rassadina M.N.

Organization and realization of special training with officers contacted with convicted to long and lifeimprisonment Research of reflection of officers of criminal-executive system

Balamut A.N.

About improving the communication system maintenance in solving and investigating penitentiary crimes

Belov O.A.

Concerning the history of study of criminal – executive policy in regard of juveniles in Russia

Belova N.A.

Organization of information security management in the organs and institutions of the penal system of the Republic of Belarus

Borovik P.L., Lavrenov V.V.

Organization of educational work with juvenile offenders in the social environment of educational colony

Khrabrova E.V.

The origin and approval of ideas for the correction and re-education of prisoners in Russia in the late XVIII – first half of the XIX century

Dvortzov V.B., Kogol T.N.

On the development of scientific-theoretical model of the General Part of the Penal Code of Russian Federation

Seliverstov V.I.

E-learning as an innovative form of educational activity in the organizations of FPS of Russia: problems and development trends

Kovtunenko L.V.

Educational work in the correction centers: problems and prospects of the experiment

Smolev S.M., Gorkina S.A.

Problems of realization disciplinary liability for persons sentenced to imprisonment

Chernyshenko E.V.

Historical peculiar properties of practice in penitentiary institutions in European North of Russia

Кузьминых А.Л.

Production in the labor colonies of the European North of Russia in the post-war years

Kustyshev A.N.

Judicial enforcement – scope of aggressive and dangerous intervention crime

Malikov B.Z., Divaeva I.R.

The practice of corporal punishment by the Russian Orthodox Church in the imperial period

Pavlushkov A.R.

On the development of inter-ethnic harmony convicts in prison

Smirnova Y.V., Kozhina E.N.