Motivational and Value-Based Orientation of Pre-Conscription Youth toward Military Service
Kovtunenko L.V., ParamonovE.V. Motivational and value-based orientation of pre-conscription youth toward military service. Penitentiary Science, 2020, vol. 14, no. 4 (52), pp. 524–527. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-4-589-591.
Due to the collapse of the Sovietsystem ofmilitary professional orientation it has become necessary to review the work with pre-conscription youth oriented toward military service; the work, includes, among other things, expanding a network of cadet educational organizations. The main goals in forming the military-professional orientation of pre-conscription youth are achieved by providing resources for the educational process, service and extracurricular activities. Motivational and value-based attitude toward military service is developed throughout the entire educational period; this contributes to the formation of cadets’ readiness to become career militaryofficers and choose military service as a priority type of professional activity. Having analyzed psychological and pedagogical literature,we came to the conclusion that the system of military orientation of pre-conscription youth currently implemented in cadet corps, will contribute to the effective development of young people’s orientation toward military service.
Keywords: military service; motivational and value-based orientation; preconscription youth; cadets; cadet corps
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