The role of family and reference groups in the formation of the illegal behavior of minors
The article is devoted to the problem of unlawful behavior of minors that is relevant for modern Russia and identifying the role of the family and reference groups in its formation. An analysis of juvenile delinquency revealed its alarming characteristics: group character, recidivism and the commission of a crime while intoxicated. According to sociological polls the following factors influence the formation of the unlawful behavior of minors: 1) at the family level: the wrong styles of family education (lack of control, connivance and inability to interact with their children in difficult situations, punishment, indifference on the part of parents); deviant behavior patterns (alcoholism, criminality of family members). Intra-family communication is mainly aimed at monitoring progress and school attendance. In response, adolescents have negative feelings towards their relatives, and their actual separation from the family often happens. When in prison in 30% of cases, the connection of the teenager with the family is not maintained. For most families parenting functions are impossible without state support, but social control mechanisms cannot compensate for shortcomings in family education. 2) at the level of the school and reference groups: school disadaptation, rejection by classmates, delinquency of the reference group. In companies there are often situations of threatening self-esteem that lead to the commission of illegal actions. Under the influence of reference groups in a teenager, a value system is formed, connected with material security, strength, and aggression. When difficult life situations arise minors prefer to avoid problems. For help they often turn to friends, parents, teachers, but when asking for help they face negative emotions from outside.
Keywords: juvenile delinquency; socio-psychological factor; difficult life situation; family education styles; reference groups.
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