Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Improving the efficiency of prosecutorial supervision for the legality of the criminal procedural activities of the institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia during the preliminary investigation
Kunitsin S. N. Improving the efficiency of prosecutorial supervision for the legality of the criminal procedural activities of the institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia during the preliminary investigation. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(3):381–388. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-3-381-388.
The article analyzes the features of the criminal procedural activities of
the institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia during the preliminary investigation.
Based on the results of the analysis, it is concluded that the latter is truncated and
consists of two components: the initiation of a criminal case for the production of urgent
investigative actions and the execution of orders to carry out certain investigative actions.
The specificity of the criminal procedural activity of this subject of the prosecution
determines the peculiarities of the prosecutor’s supervision over the legality of its
The current legislation actually excluded the prosecutor from the mechanism for
initiating a criminal case and conducting urgent investigative actions, which reduces the
effectiveness of prosecutorial supervision in this area and reduces the level of legality.
Also, there is no effective mechanism for prosecutorial supervision over the legality of
the execution of orders by officials of institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia to
conduct certain investigative actions.
By analyzing the provisions of the legislation, it is concluded that there are shortcomings
in the legal regulation of the procedure for exercising prosecutorial supervision over the
legality of the criminal procedural activities of the institutions of the Federal Penal Service
of Russia during the preliminary investigation at the level of both criminal procedure law
and departmental regulation.
In order to eliminate the noted shortcomings, appropriate amendments to the
legislation are proposed.
Keywords: criminal procedural activity; prosecutor supervision; institutions of the Federal Penal Service of Russia; criminal proceedings; the production of urgent investigative actions; execution of orders to conduct investigative actions
Deputy Voronezh Prosecutor for Supervision of Compliance with Laws in Correctional Institutions, Voronezh, Russian Federation.
ORCID 0000-0003-4332-5051
, e-mail
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