Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Problems of criminal liability for illegal crossing of the State border of the Russian Federation and their solutions
The article analyzes the signs of a crime provided for by Art. 322 of the Criminal Code
«Illegal crossing of the State border of the Russian Federation.» The subject of the research
is the problems of criminal law protection of the state border. The author has uncovered
the issues of qualifying actions to cross the border outside checkpoints, justifies the need
to criminalize such actions. The evaluation of punishment differentiation with the use of
qualifying signs is given. A proposal was made to unify the use of homogeneous qualifying
circumstances — signs of qualified and specially qualified elements of crimes, such as
“a group of persons by prior agreement is an organized group”; «with the use of violence
not dangerous to life and health or with the threat of violence - with the use of violence
dangerous to life and health.» The necessity of expanding the circle of persons who are
not subject to criminal liability is substantiated by pointing out in the footnote to article 322
of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on persons applying for any asylum and
forced migrants. It was proposed to supplement the list of criminal penalties with expulsion
applicable only to foreign citizens and stateless persons.
As a result the author concludes that the order of management in the area of crossing
the state border is not sufficiently protected and that the requirements for differentiating
responsibility are not complied with. There are offered options to overcome the current
Keywords: illegal migration; illegal border crossing; illegal entry; refugee; expulsion
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Law Faculty of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Ph.D. in Law.
, e-mail
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2. Asmandiyarova N. R. Bor’ba s nezakonnoj migraciej na regional’nom urovne: ugolovno-pravovoj i kriminologicheskij
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6. Idayatov R. I. Nezakonnoe peresechenie gosudarstvennoj granicy Rossijskoj Federacii: ugolovno-pravovye i
kriminologicheskie problemy: regional’nyj aspekt : dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk [Illegal Crossing of the State Border of the
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244 p. (In Russ.).
7. Kulishov V. Na granice Rossii v god presekaem desyatki tysyach narushenij [On the border of Russia, we stop tens of
thousands of violations a year]. Availablе at: (accessed 27.03.2017). (In Russ.).
8. Lesnievski-Kostareva T. A. Differenciaciya ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti. Teoriya i zakonodatel’naya praktika [Differentiation
of criminal responsibility. Theory and legislative practice]. Moscow, 1998. 296 p. (In Russ.).
9. Lopashenko N. A. Osnovy ugolovno-pravovogo vozdejstviya: ugolovnoe pravo, ugolovnyj zakon, ugolovno-pravovaya
politika [Basics of criminal law impact: criminal right, criminal law, criminal law policy]. St. Petersburg, 2004. 339 p. (In Russ.).
10. Magerramov M. A. Nelegal’naya migraciya: ponyatie, obshchestvennaya opasnost’, ugolovno-pravovoe i
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concept, social danger, criminal law and criminological opposition: based on materials from Russia and Azerbaijan : the
diss. ... PhD. in Law]. Moscow, 2008. 202 p. (In Russ.).
11. Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoj pogranichnoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii : ukaz Prezidenta Ros. Federacii ot
25.04.2018 № 174 [On the approval of the Fundamentals of the State Border Policy of the Russian Federation : Decree of
the President of the Russian Federation from 25.04.2017 No. 174]. Sobr. zakonodatel’stva Ros. Federacii – Collection of
Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2018. Iss. 18. Art. 2614. (In Russ.).
12. Otchet № 10.1 o chisle privlechennyh k ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i vidah ugolovnogo nakazaniya za 12 mesyacev
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13. Postanovlenie Pechorskogo rajonnogo suda Pskovskoj oblasti № 5-187/2018 ot 19.07.2018 [13. Resolution of the
Pechora District Court of the Pskov Region from 19.07.2018 No. 5-187/2018]. Availablе at: URL:
regular/doc/ (accessed 12.12.2018). (In Russ.).
14. Prigovor Bykovskogo rajonnogo suda Volgogradskoj oblasti ot 14.12.2012 v otnoshenii Aminzhoni Abdurashid,
osuzhdennogo po ch. 1 st. 322, ch. 1 st. 30, p. «g» ch. 3 st. 228.1 UK RF [The verdict of the Bykovsky District Court of the
Volgograd Region from 14.12.2012 in respect of Aminjoni Abdurashid, convicted under Part 1 of Art. 322, Part 1 of Art. 30,
p. «G» Part 3 Art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation]. Availablе at: URL:
court-volgogradskij-oblastnoj-sud-volgogradskaya-oblast-s/act-473760526/ (accessed 20.08.2018). (In Russ.).
15. Reshenie Verhovnogo Suda Respubliki Kareliya po delu № 21-88/2016 ot 02.03.2016 [The decision of the Supreme
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16. Reshenie CHertkovskogo rajonnogo suda Rostovskoj oblasti po delu № 12-10/2016 ot 26.02.2016 [The decision
of the Chertkovsky District Court of the Rostov Region in case No. 12-10/2016 from 26.02.2016]. Availablе at: https:// (accessed
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17. Svedeniya o sostoyanii migracionnoj situacii v Rossijskoj Federacii za 2014 i 2017 gg. [Information on the state of
the migration situation in the Russian Federation for 2014 and 2017]. Availablе at: https://мвд.рф/Deljatelnost/statistics/
migracionnaya/item/12162186/ (accessed 05.02.2016). (In Russ.).
18. Svodnye statisticheskie svedeniya Sudebnogo Departamenta Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii o sostoyanii
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state of criminal record in Russia]. Availablе at: (accessed 12.01.2019). (In Russ.).
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RSFSR. 1960. Iss. 40. Art. 591. (In Russ.).
20. Urda M. N. Problemy primeneniya normy, ustanavlivayushchej otvetstvennost’ za nezakonnoe peresechenie
gosudarstvennoj granicy [Problems of application of the norm establishing liability for illegal crossing of the state border].
Ugolov. yusticiya – Criminal justice. 2017. Iss. 1 (9). P. 33. (In Russ.).
21. Ustinova T. Nezakonnoe peresechenie Gosudarstvennoj granicy RF [Illegal crossing of the state border of the Russian
Federation]. Zakonnost’ – Legality. 2006. Iss. 4. P. 15–18. (In Russ.).
22. Utorova T. N. Differenciaciya nakazanij za prestupleniya v sfere migracii [Differentiation of penalties for crimes in the field
of migration]. Vestn. in-ta: prestuplenie, nakazanie, ispravlenie – Bulletin of the Institute: crime, punishment, correction.
2016. Iss. 4 (36). P. 56–60. (In Russ.).
23. SHkilev A. N. Migraciya: ugolovno-pravovye i kriminologicheskie aspekty : dis. … kand. yurid. nauk [Migration: criminal
law and criminological aspects : the diss. ... PhD. in Law]. Nizhny Novgorod, 2006. 237 p. (In Russ.).