Administrative activity of bodies and institutions of the penal system: concept, nature and content
Nagornykh R. V. Administrative activity of bodies and institutions of the penal system: concept, nature and content. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(2):251–258. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-2-251-258.
The article is devoted to the problems of defining the concept and content of administrative activity of bodies and institutions of the penal system, its place in the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of public administration in the field of criminal penalties, clarification of the peculiarities of administrative activity of penal system. The mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of public administration in the field of the execution of criminal penalties is a body of norms of administrative law and process, as well as other administrative and legal means regulating public relations in this area of public administration. The administrative activity of the penal system is directly related to the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation in the field of the execution of criminal penalties and is aimed at solving practical problems in the organization of the penal system. The content of the administrative activity of the penal system includes such areas as administrative-managerial, administrative-jurisdictional and administrative-judicial. Administrative-managerial activity of the penal system are considered as a body of interconnected administrative and legal processes and procedures, the consistent implementation of which ensures the implementation of administrative and legal management in the penal system. In its turn the administrative-jurisdictional activity of the penal system is the law enforcement activity of the organs and institutions of the penal system to identify (suppress), investigate and consider cases of administrative offenses and disciplinary offenses of penal system employees and to take decisions on them in the forms established by law and in a specific order. The administrative-judicial activity of the penal system in theoretical terms can be considered as the activity of the organs and institutions of the penal system and their officials in the field of protecting the rights and freedoms of the individual from any form of administrative arbitrariness in the field of criminal penalties, associated with the use of various administrative and legal means of extrajudicial legal) and judicial protection. The administrative activity of the penal system is the most important direction for improving public administration in the field of the enforcement of criminal penalties as well as a powerful resource for improving the efficiency of the organs and institutions of the penal system in the field of maintaining law and order.
Keywords: public administration; administrative regulation; administrative activity; execution of criminal sentences; penal system
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