Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Civil society in modern realities: experience and prospects of Belarus
Countering and overcoming corruption manifestations are priorities in the development
of any sovereign state. Its implementation contributes to successful socio-economic
development, strengthening the law and order. In accordance with the provisions of the
concept of national security of the Republic of Belarus ensuring public safety and life
safety of the population, reducing crime and criminalizing society are a priority for the
development of the Republic of Belarus at the present stage. However there are problems
and imperfections in legal and organizational management practices that objectively
impede the development and use of the potential of civil society in countering corruption.
About the risks of a corrupt nature speak the practice of international reviews and the
conclusions of European experts in the field of human rights and freedoms.
The study conducted by the author confirms: the need to consolidate certain forms
of civil society participation in the fight against corruption; the presence of certain
factors of a legal, organizational, managerial nature that impede the full realization of the
potential of civil society in countering corruption; the possibility of introducing elements of
e-democracy as an effective tool in the fight against corruption.
Keywords: corruption; crime; warning measures; crime prevention; the fight against corruption; civil society; democracy
Deputy Head of the Department of Penal Law of the Penal Department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, PhD. in Law, Associate Professor.
, e-mail
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2. Delo «Observer» i «Gardian» protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva» [«The Observer» and «The Guardian» v. United Kingdom].
Available at: (In Russ.).
3. Delo «Sandi tajms» protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva (II) [«The Sunday Times» v. United Kingdom (II)]. Available at: (In Russ.).
4. Delo «Hendisajd protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva» [The Hendyside v. United Kingdom case]. Available at: http://www. (accessed 27.09.2018). (In Russ.).
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6. Kommentarij k proektu zakona Respubliki Belarus’ «O sredstvah massovoj informacii» [Commentary on the draft law of
the Republic of Belarus «About the media»]. Available at: (accessed
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7. Krupenina Е. E. Problemnye aspekty realizacii grazhdanami Respubliki Belarus’ prava zakonodatel’noj iniciativy [Problem
aspects of the implementation of the right of legislative initiative by citizens of the Republic of Belarus]. Available at: http://Е.Э.%20Крупенина.pdf (accessed 10.10.2018). (In Russ.).
8. Organizaciya Ob»edinennyh Nacij. SHest’desyat pyatoe plenarnoe zasedanie 14 dekabrya 1946 g. [United Nations. Sixtyfifth plenary meeting December 14, 1946]. Available at:
S/59(I)&Lang=R&Area=RESOLUTION (accessed 27.09.2018). (In Russ.).
9. Otchet o vizite v Belarus’ Predstavitelya OBSЕ po voprosam svobody SMI Miklosha Harashti v soprovozhdenii sovetnikov
Aleksandra Ivanko i Any Karlsrajter 9–11 fevralya 2005 g. [Report on the visit to Belarus of the OSCE Representative on
Freedom of the Media Miklos Haraszti, accompanied by advisers Alexander Ivanko and Ana Karlsreiter February 9–11,
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10. Sushko A., Volodin, D. E-uchastie kak instrument inklyuzivnogo gosudarstvennogo upravleniya [E-participation as an
instrument of inclusive government]. Available at:
book-4_final.pdf (accessed 10.10.2018). (In Russ.).
11. Centrizbirkom Belarusi otkazal v registracii iniciativnoj gruppy po podgotovke zakona o zhertvah fashistskih repressij
[The Central Election Commission of Belarus refused to register an initiative group to prepare a law on the victims of fascist
repression]. Available at: (accessed 10.10.2018). (In Russ.).
12. CIK Belarusi otkazal v registracii iniciativnoj gruppy po realizacii prava zakonodatel’noj iniciativy [Belarus Central Election
Commission refused to register an initiative group for the implementation of the right of legislative initiative]. Available at: (In Russ.).
praktika_po_st10_evropejskoj_konvencii/europ_practice77/ (In Russ.).
2. Delo «Observer» i «Gardian» protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva» [«The Observer» and «The Guardian» v. United Kingdom].
Available at: (In Russ.).
3. Delo «Sandi tajms» protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva (II) [«The Sunday Times» v. United Kingdom (II)]. Available at: (In Russ.).
4. Delo «Hendisajd protiv Soedinennogo Korolevstva» [The Hendyside v. United Kingdom case]. Available at: http://www. (accessed 27.09.2018). (In Russ.).
5. Zaklyuchitel’nyj akt Soveshchaniya po bezopasnosti i sotrudnichestvu v Еvrope [The final act of the Conference on
Security and Cooperation in Europe.]. Available at: (accessed
28.09.2018). (In Russ.).
6. Kommentarij k proektu zakona Respubliki Belarus’ «O sredstvah massovoj informacii» [Commentary on the draft law of
the Republic of Belarus «About the media»]. Available at: (accessed
27.09.2018). (In Russ.).
7. Krupenina Е. E. Problemnye aspekty realizacii grazhdanami Respubliki Belarus’ prava zakonodatel’noj iniciativy [Problem
aspects of the implementation of the right of legislative initiative by citizens of the Republic of Belarus]. Available at: http://Е.Э.%20Крупенина.pdf (accessed 10.10.2018). (In Russ.).
8. Organizaciya Ob»edinennyh Nacij. SHest’desyat pyatoe plenarnoe zasedanie 14 dekabrya 1946 g. [United Nations. Sixtyfifth plenary meeting December 14, 1946]. Available at:
S/59(I)&Lang=R&Area=RESOLUTION (accessed 27.09.2018). (In Russ.).
9. Otchet o vizite v Belarus’ Predstavitelya OBSЕ po voprosam svobody SMI Miklosha Harashti v soprovozhdenii sovetnikov
Aleksandra Ivanko i Any Karlsrajter 9–11 fevralya 2005 g. [Report on the visit to Belarus of the OSCE Representative on
Freedom of the Media Miklos Haraszti, accompanied by advisers Alexander Ivanko and Ana Karlsreiter February 9–11,
2005]. Available at: (accessed 10.09.2018). (In Russ.).
10. Sushko A., Volodin, D. E-uchastie kak instrument inklyuzivnogo gosudarstvennogo upravleniya [E-participation as an
instrument of inclusive government]. Available at:
book-4_final.pdf (accessed 10.10.2018). (In Russ.).
11. Centrizbirkom Belarusi otkazal v registracii iniciativnoj gruppy po podgotovke zakona o zhertvah fashistskih repressij
[The Central Election Commission of Belarus refused to register an initiative group to prepare a law on the victims of fascist
repression]. Available at: (accessed 10.10.2018). (In Russ.).
12. CIK Belarusi otkazal v registracii iniciativnoj gruppy po realizacii prava zakonodatel’noj iniciativy [Belarus Central Election
Commission refused to register an initiative group for the implementation of the right of legislative initiative]. Available at: (In Russ.).