E-learning as an innovative form of educational activity in the organizations of FPS of Russia: problems and development trends
The article discusses e-learning as one of the innovative forms, the author defines distinctive features and advantages of e-learning by comparing it with the concept of distance learning; identifies problems and development trends.
Keywords: the educational organization of the Federal Penal Service of Russia; training of employees of the penal system; e-learning; distance learning; traditional and innovative forms; information and communication technology.
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal and
Penal Law of the Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in
Pedagogics, Associate Professor
ORCID 0000-0002-5113-1735
, e-mail
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na formirovanie obshhekul’turnyh kompetencij obuchajushhihsja
// Vestnik instituta: prestuplenie, nakazanie, ispravlenie. 2016.
№ 4 (36). S. 84.
2 URL: (data obrashhenija:
3 Sm.: Belous V. V., Smirnova E. V. Jelektronnoe obuchenie //
Platformy i sistemy. 2013. № 7. S. 1.
4 Sm.: Satunina A. E. Jelektronnoe obuchenie: pljusy i minusy
// Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. 2006. № 1.
S. 89–90.
5 Sm.: Rossijskaja gazeta. 2014. 16 apr.
6 Sergeev A. G., Zhigalov I. E., Balandina V. V. Vvedenie v
jelektronnoe obuchenie : monogr. Vladimir, 2012. S. 107–108.
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