Image of the Educational Environment of a Departmental Organization and Professional Identity of a Future Employee
Kovtunenko L.V., Kovtunenko A.B. Image of the educational environment of a departmental organization and professional identity of a future employee. Penitentiary Science, 2024, vol. 18, no. 1 (65), pp. 102–107. doi 10.46741/2686-9764.2024.65.1.012
Introduction: the article is devoted to the problem of professional identity of an employee (cadet)
studying at a departmental educational institution. The study is relevant due to the difficulties of
professional self-determination of a future employee. Professional formation and maturity of value
orientations and beliefs of cadets will further ensure not only successful psychological adaptation
to the service, but also the effectiveness of their professional activities. Purpose: to analyze professional identity of an employee, to identify the status of the professional environmental identity of a
future employee of the penal system during the study at a university. Methods: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization of psychological and pedagogical literature) and
empirical (observation, survey, interpretation of results) research methods. Results: it is revealed
that first and fourth-year cadets have significant differences in the status of professional identity.
If first-year students have a predetermined one, formed under the influence of social environment
and external circumstances, then graduates have an achieved one: they meaningfully determine the
importance of their professional activities, have a positive focus on the future service. The “moratorium” level is found in 16% of the graduates. Conclusion: professional identity of an employee has
an unstable, temporary character, reacts to changes occurring in the professional environment and
personal life. In this regard, there is a need for the formation of professional environmental identity
among cadets during the training period.
Keywords: penal system; employee; departmental organization; cadet; educational environment; professional environmental identity.
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