Current State and Promising Directions of Professional and Pedagogical Training of the Penal System Employees to Work with Juvenile Offenders
Kryazheva S.G., Kovtunenko L.V. Current state and promising directions of professional and pedagogical training of the penal system employees to work with juvenile offenders. Penitentiary Science, 2023, vol. 17, no. 1 (61), рр. 105–114. doi: 10.46741/2686-9764.2023.61.1.012
The current stage of society’s development is associated with the actualization of the problem of professional and pedagogical training of specialists to work with juvenile offenders. More and more attention is paid to the procedure for selecting candidates for service in penitentiary institutions where this category of citizens is held, service conditions, and the system for improving and maintaining employees’ professional and pedagogical competence. Purpose: to study the current state of professional and pedagogical training of employees of the penitentiary system to work with juvenile offenders. Methods: when studying the current state of professional and pedagogical training of employees to work with juvenile offenders, the authors apply methods of theoretical research (analytical, axiomatic, formalization, etc.) and empirical ones (observation, conversation, comparison, questionnaire, interpretation, etc.). Results: the current state of professional and pedagogical training of employees to work with juvenile offenders (training in the course of official activity, professional retraining, advanced training) is determined, problematic issues and promising development areas are highlighted; the experience of interaction between territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and third-party educational organizations is described. Conclusion: professional and pedagogical on-the-job and off-duty training of employees of the penal system to work with juvenile offenders is carried out nowadays. In juvenile correctional facilities and pre-trial detention centers, classes are organized as part of official training to improve their professional and pedagogical competence. In juvenile correctional facilities of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, advanced training and professional retraining programs are implemented, including topics (sections, paragraphs, etc.) reflecting certain aspects of working with minors. In a number of territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, contracts are concluded with third-party educational organizations. At the same time, despite its relevance, the topic of professional and pedagogical training of employees of the penitentiary system to work with juvenile offenders is currently insufficiently studied. Within the framework of the research presented in the article, the main problematic issues related, first of all, to the organization, consistency and purposefulness of the learning process are identified.
Keywords: Vocational and pedagogical training; juvenile offenders; suspects, accused and convicted persons; programs of additional professional education; pre-trial detention center; juvenile correctional facility; penal system
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