Introduction: today the state policy in the sphere of public service and PES staffing is focused on providing penitentiary institutions with competent and skilled specialists capable of performing state tasks in the field of execution of criminal penalties in difficult conditions. The processes of formation and development of the staffing system, meeting modern needs of the state and society development, are due to a variety of political, social, economic, legal and organizational factors that have both external and internal effects on its functioning. Neutralization of negative factors is possible only by increasing the efficiency of management activities in the PES as a whole and staffing in particular. The purpose of this article is to identify key directions for elaboration of administrative legislation in the field of public service and staffing the penal enforcement system in the framework of a new stage of constitutional transformations in modern Russia. The methodological basis of the work is formed by general scientific and private scientific (logical-legal, comparative-legal, descriptive, content analysis) methods of cognition of legal reality. Conclusions: the proposed directions for the formation of a theoretical doctrine of public service and PES staffing on the basis of integrative legal understanding of processes and phenomena of social development, improvement of administrative legislation on public service in the PES through its further constitutionalization, development of personnel policy through the adoption of the Concept for personnel policy in the penal enforcement system will lead to a systematic change in the mechanism of staffing the penal enforcement system, strengthening its resistance to countering threats of a criminal nature, and enhance performance of penitentiary institutions in general. The scientific and practical significance of the work consists in substantiating practical proposals for improving current administrative legislation in the field of public service and PES activities.
Keywords: public service, staffing, administrative and legal regulation, constitutional principles.
Vasilyeva Ya. V. -
Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law of the North-Western Institute (branch) of the Moscow State Law Academy named after Kutafin O.E., Vologda, Russian Federation
, e-mail
Nagornykh Roman V. -
Doctor of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation,Professor of the Department of Administrative and Legal Disciplines, Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Vologda, Russian Federation.
ORCID 0000-0002-4765-8550
, e-mail
Mel’nikova N. A. -
Candidate of Sciences (Law), Associate Professor, associate professor of the Department of Administrative-Legal Disciplines, Faculty of Law, Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of FSIN Russia, Vologda, Russian Federation
ORCID 0000-0002-3697-4769
, e-mail
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