Criminal-Legal and Penal Enforcement Regulation of the Use of Firearms by Employees of the Penitentiary System of Russia
Ponikarov V.A. Criminal-legal and penal enforcement regulation of the use of firearms by employees of the penitentiary system of Russia. Penitentiary Science, 2021, vol. 15, no. 1 (53), pp. 171-175. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2021-15-1-171-175.
Introduction: the paper investigates criminal and penal enforcement inconsistencies in the legislative regulation on the use of firearms by the staff of the penal system in their official activities. Legal details consist in the fact that we put forward scientifically substantiated proposals to reform criminal-legal and penal enforcement aspects associated with the use of firearms by employees (guns, submachine guns, rifles, which are operated by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia). We analyze Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes relevant security measures. We also consider the practice of foreign countries related to this problem. Aim: to investigate the criminal-legal and penal enforcement aspects related to the use of firearms by staff of the penal system for example, in relation to convicts. Methods: we use dialectical method as methodological and theoretical basis for the study, and deductive method to analyze the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation regarding the use of firearms. We also use systematized methods to study articles of the Criminal Code and the Penal Enforcement Code. They help to classify the legal facts that establish the legal right of staff to use firearms. We use empirical methods of mastering in order to improve penal officers’ performance in the use of firearms. The article presents the results of a survey of 318 employees. Results: we have investigated the essence of criminal-legal relations in terms of the use of firearms by employees of the penal system; we have also studied the practice of implementing the norms concerning the use of firearms by law enforcement officers; we propose a theoretical model for improving criminal legislation related to the use of firearms In addition, we provide scientifically substantiated ideas and empirical studies aimed at improving criminal and penal enforcement legislation on the use of firearms. Research findings of our paper include new ideas concerning the use of firearms within the boundaries of criminal and penal enforcement legislation (we suggest that the foundations associated with the use of firearms should be contained in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
Keywords: criminal legislation; penal enforcement legislation; use of firearms; legal facts; legal relations; security measures; Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; penal enforcement system.
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