Тhе institutional model оf the state law-еnforсеmеnt service and its basic elements
The article is devoted to the actual problems of producing
the institutional model of the state law-enforcement
service. The author proves the position concerning
the neccessity of analyzing the state law-enforcement
service as а complex social and legal institute that is regulated
mostly bу the norms of the administrative law and
meant for practical and directly performance of tasks and
also for the realization of state’ s functions in the sphere
of counteraction with crimes, keeping law and order, the
observance of law in the system of public relations. In the
article it is said about the conclusions concerning the
need to create the new system of the state law-enforcement
service. Оn the оnе hand it should help to solve the
problem of skilled personnel in law-enforcement activity
and оп the other hand - the effective functioning of the
law-enforcement system of the state in the sphere of
counteraction with crimes and keeping law and order.
Keywords: the state law-enforcement service, institutional model, manpower policy, law-enforcement activity
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