Implementation of a practice-oriented approach in the professional training of cadets in the field of «Personnel Management»
The article examines the specifics of implementing a practice-oriented approach in the process of training cadets of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia (VILE of the FPS of Russia). The article highlights the relevance of competence education at the present stage of labor market development, substantiates the necessity of introducing a practice-oriented approach to the training of future specialists in accordance with the educational standards of the new generation, professional and personal qualities of the penal service staff. The author analyzes the experience of introducing a practice-oriented approach to the VIPI of the FSIN of Russia at the Faculty of Engineering and Economics during the training of cadets in the direction «Personnel Management» from the first to the fourth year. The application of the practice-oriented approach includes the use in the educational process of a variety of types of practices, the use of the inspector of the human resources department at work and the work with personnel, and the conduct of comprehensive inter-cathedral exercises in the fourth year. The author pays special attention to the constant increase of the professional competencies required for future graduates in their professional activity, throughout the entire period of study. The presented experience can be of interest to teachers of higher education, implementing the educational standards of the new generation.
Keywords: practical-oriented training; professional competences; complex exercises; workplace; practice; educational space.
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