Workshop in prisons: organization of socio-cultural activities of convicts
In the article practical and methodical questions of organization of workshops in the correctional institution in the context of socio-cultural rehabilitation of convicts are considered. It is based on the understanding of the socio-cultural rehabilitation of convicts as a process of restoring their lost social connections and functions, replenishing the life support environment in a system of socio-cultural activities specially organized by the penitentiary staff. Workshops with convict being the main means of organizing their leisure allows satisfying the diverse socio-cultural needs of the people being educated. According to the empirical research in the penal practice the directions of workshops focused on a healthy way of life and creative self-expression of convicts are mainly presented. To realize them the personnel potential of institutions is used, and also interaction with the public is carried out. Employees of correctional institutions are searching for measures to encourage convicts to participate in workshops while an important principle is the consideration of the interests and needs of convicts in certain types of cultural and recreational activities. At the same time there are problems related to material and technical resources, general legal regulation of the workshops, available for convicts’ interests workshops, motivation for leisure activities, psychological and pedagogical culture of the leaders of the workshops. Their solution requires a complex nature of activity (administrative, legal, social, pedagogical, psychological, etc.). Important educational conditions are the development of new types of community employment for a particular correctional institution, the use of active forms of interaction in the workshops, which can be realized within the social theater of convicts.
Keywords: workshops with convicts; socio-cultural rehabilitation of convicts; socio-cultural activities; leisure; social theater.
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