Journal section ISSUES TO DISCUSS
Quality and fundamental nature of education: correlations and antagonisms
In the article the author analyzes the quality
and fundamental nature of education, finds the
inner links between these notions. On this basis
the author’s definition of the quality of education
is formulated. In a wide context of theoreticallyphilosophic
question the author emphasizes the
practical aspect of modernizing education through
the integration of different branches of sciences.
Keywords: quality of education, fundamental nature of education, integrity of education, postclassical methodology
the head of algebra, geometry and theory of mathematics teaching department of the Vologda State Teachers Training University, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
, e-mail
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науч. ред. д-ра техн. наук Н.А. Селезневой и д-ра экон. наук
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2 См.: Садовничий В.А. Традиции и современность // Выс-
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