Peculiarities of motivation convicts with different level of self-esteem, registered in the penal inspections
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the features of motivation of convicts who are registered with a penal inspections and who have different level of selfesteem. The basis for the study was the PKU UII FPS of Russia in the Yaroslavl region. To obtain empirical results the following methods were used: «Methods of investigating the self-esteem of S.A. Budassi», «Methods of diagnosing an individual for motivating to avoid failures of T. Ehlers», «Methods of diagnosing an individual for motivating success of T. Ehlers», «Diagnostic technique degree of readiness for the risk of Schubert». In the course of the empirical study results were obtained that can be used by penal psychologists in the conduct of psychological support for this category of convicts. Thus, those who have a low level of self-esteem have a high and very high level of motivation to avoid failures, low level of motivation to achieve success and accordingly a low level of readiness for risk. In the group of convicts with high self-esteem, the predominantly low level of motivation for avoiding failures, a high level of motivation for achieving success, an average and high level of risk readiness are revealed. These results indicate that avoidance of failures and risks, unwillingness to change their habitual way of life can facilitate the commission of repeated crimes. There is a great likelihood of such an outcome for individuals seeking to achieve a high result in a short time, overestimating their capabilities, ready for unjustified risk.
Keywords: motivation to avoid failures; motivation for success; self-esteem; readiness for risk.
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