Actual problems of deportation of foreign citizens sentenced to criminal penalties in the Russian Federation
The deportation of foreign citizens sentenced to criminal penalties in the Russian Federation currently involves problems related to the implementation of administrative procedures for the said persons in deciding on the undesirability of their stay (residence) in the territory of the Russian Federation and not permitting their entry into the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, the article concludes that the adoption by the Ministry of Justice of Russia of decisions on the undesirability of staying on the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty is a formal, redundant procedure entailing unreasonable costs for its implementation by the state. The administrative procedure for the adoption by the Federal Penal Service of decisions on the non-admission of entry of foreign citizens sentenced to criminal penalties is currently not applied due to the lack of a departmental regulatory legal act. Its realization is also complicated by the fact that this will prevent the execution of criminal punishments not related to deprivation of liberty against foreign citizens. In addition, the procedure for deciding on non-admission of entry largely duplicates the procedure for deciding on the undesirability of stay. As an alternative to the administrative procedures considered in the article it is proposed to amend the criminal legislation, fixing in it a new type of criminal punishment – the expulsion of foreign citizens from the Russian Federation after they have served out the criminal penalties prescribed by the court. As a justification for this measure the author refers to foreign experience.
Keywords: deportation of foreign citizens convicted to criminal penalties; undesirability of stay (residence) in the territory of the Russian Federation; nonpermission to enter the Russian Federation; the criminal deportation of foreign citizens from the Russian Federation.
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