Safeguarding as a Function of the State Law Enforcement Service
The article is devoted to the characteristic of safeguarding as a function of the state
law enforcement service. The author gives reasonable grounds for certain proposals in
the development of the administrative legislature particularly in determination of powers
for employees of the state law enforcement service in the structure of the state law
enforcement safeguarding activity.
Safeguarding as a function of the state law enforcement service is regarded as an
activity direction of employees of the state law enforcement service in safeguarding
of different legal protection objects primarily against the criminal and administrative -
tortious menace.
The author comes to the conclusion that special attention in the development of the
legislature concerning the state law enforcement service should be paid to the separation
of duties or powers between the different kinds of the state service in performing the state
protection functions.
Keywords: state law enforcement service; safeguarding or protection; functional features
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