About use of mathematical model with information support of decision-making in Russian Penal Service
In our work it was taken steps of canonical formulating problems to adopt administrative
decision in Criminal and Executive system based on establishing control over employees
discipline engaged in CES. As a formal mathematic apparatus mathematic statistical
methods were used in particular correlative test and plural regress analyze of obtain
equation showed the presence of multicorrelative of parameters in them. As a criterion
allowing to choose factors which are parts of model maximization of particular correlative
factors including in model was chosen.
Keywords: administrative decision; correlative test and plural regress analyze; multicorrelative of parameters
the head of the Engineering and Economics faculty of the
Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia,
candidate of technical sciences, docent
, e-mail
the head of the Informatics and Mathematics chair of the Vologda
Institute of Law and Economics of the Penal System of Russia, candidate of
pedagogical sciences
, e-mail
the chief of laboratory of Scientific
research institute of information technology of Federal
Agency of execution of punishments of Russia, the candidate
of physical and mathematical sciences, the lieutenant
colonel of internal service.
, e-mail
1 Vozmozhna situacija, kogda takih operatorov (operatora),
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2 V rabote Ju.P. Adlera (Adler Ju.P., Markova E.V., Granovskij
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9 Kolichestvo opredeljaetsja tem, chto istoricheski
informacionnyj resurs FSIN Rossii byl chast’ju resursa MVD