Some peculiarities of tactics of interrogating witnesses and victims in cases of fraud committed in the field of granting consumer credits
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of tactics in conducting interrogation of
witnesses and victims in cases of fraud committed in the sphere of granting consumer
credits. The author pays attention to the fact that very often investigators don’t think over
the process of interrogating beforehand, trying to achieve purposes by improvisation.
Obviously it leads to serious omissions requiring additional encounters for interrogation
that complicate and slow down the investigation.
The article considers the problems of conducting interrogation of such cases in details,
gives a number of questions to be elucidated in the process of interrogating a victim and
witnesses in cases of this category.
Keywords: fraud committed in the field of granting consumer credits; interrogation in a disputes and non-disputes situation; the plan of interrogation; tactical forms (ways) of interrogation
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