Service in the penal system as a type of public service
The state service is due to ensure the successful performance by the state of its functions. The service in the institutions and bodies of the penal system is a variation of the public service of the Russian Federation. In the modern domestic science of administrative law the question of the place occupied by the service in the penal system in the general system of state-service relations remains controversial and has not been fully explored. In order to identify the specifics of the service in the penal system the article considers various points of view on the concept of «public service». Specificity of the service is determined in comparison with other activities, which consists in the fact that the employee in the course of his work usually does not create material values and does not 25 ПРЕСТУПЛЕНИЕ • НАКАЗАНИЕ • ИСПРАВЛЕНИЕ Юридические науки provide economic services. The object of the employee’s influence is the consciousness and behavior of people. The authors singled out and analyzed the signs of the civil service. Service in the penal system in accordance with the current legislation is assigned to the service of other types along with the state civil and military service. It is a federal public service, which follows from those functions of the state, for the implementation of which the activities of the institutions and bodies of the penal system are directed (execution of criminal penalties). The article details the features of the service in the penal system, which are characterized by the object of influence, emphasize its militarized nature, locality and polyfunctionality.
Keywords: public service; service in the penal system; employee of the penal system; law enforcement service; system of public service; institutions and bodies of the penal system
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