On some problems of unification of administrative procedures
The author presents a study of the history and prospects for the development of legislation on administrative procedures. It is noted that at present the legal regulation of administrative procedures is fragmented, disjointed. As part of the administrative reform attempts were made to create a single legal framework for the activities of state and municipal bodies to provide state and municipal services and to implement state and municipal functions. At the same time the issues of systematization of administrative and legal norms governing administrative administration forms, their institutional codification, have not yet been resolved and remain relevant. The article presents an analysis of the scientific development of questions of the generalization of legislation regulating the administrative activity of public authorities, the legislative experience in this field has been studied. Special attention was paid to the question of the limits of administrative discretion in the provision of state or municipal services. In order to eliminate the negative aspects of administrative discretion and enhance its positive aspects the author considers it necessary to conceptually solve the issue of its limits in the implementation of administrative procedures. Given the growing array of legislation on administrative procedures, the author considers it necessary to adopt a codified instrument on administrative procedures along with actively developed and enacted administrative «jurisdictional» codes.
Keywords: administrative law; administrative process; administrative reform; administrative procedural law; administrative procedure; unification of legislation; codification of legislation.
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