Theoretical aspects of professional socialization of a future employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
Kovtunenko L. V., Trubchaninov M. B. Theoretical aspects of professional socialization of a future employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(2):283–287. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-2-283-287.
The relevance of the problem considered in the article is determined by the tasks of training personnel of new formation in the context of implementing a policy of reducing the number of employees in the penal system. The purpose of training today is not so much the translation of knowledge as the creation of conditions for the realization of the personal potential of students, the formation and development of their subjectness. The article discusses the theoretical aspects of professional socialization of a future penal system employee during his study at educational organizations. The authors define the concept of “professional socialization of a future employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia”, consider the factors affecting its formation, determine the relevance of the problem of professional socialization during training in a departmental educational organization. An important role in the professional socialization of future employees of the penal system is played by pedagogical support, the structural components of which are the professional and psychological selection of candidates for the service, pedagogical assistance and support, psychological and pedagogical education, monitoring and control of the formation and development of professionally significant qualities, professional competence. As a result of the study the following conclusion was made: in order to realize the potential of the educational environment in the implementation of professional socialization of future employees of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, the specifics of the departmental educational organization, the characteristics of the subjects of interaction and the characteristics of various aspects of professional socialization should be taken into account.
Keywords: professional socialization; employee of the Federal Penal Service of Russia; departmental educational organization; factors of professional socialization; educational potential; individual development trajectory; pedagogical support
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