Formation process of departmental educational institutions of the Federal Penal Service graduates in their professional activities
Article is devoted to consideration of features of formation of graduates of the departmental FSIN educational institutions of Russia in professional activity, their effective preparation for service in criminal and executive system. The role fact-finding, production and other types the practician in formation at cadets of professional skills and abilities reveals. The tasks facing officials which should assist in formation of the young employee of criminal and executive system, and principles by which these persons should be guided are considered.
Keywords: professional adaptation; formation; vocational training; principles of training.
the head of the federal state educational institution of higher
professional education Kuzbass Institute of the Federal Penal Service, candidate
of pedagogical sciences
, e-mail
the deputy chief of work staff department of Kuzbass
institute of the Federal Penal Service
, e-mail
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molodyh sotrudnikov, prinjatyh na sluzhbu v UIS: Metod.
rekomendacii / N.N. Baranovskij, V.M. Demin, N.G. Sobolev.
M., 2007. 48 s.; Kazak B.B., Ushatikov A.I. Professional'naja
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