On the guidelines for assessing psychological readiness for release of convicts with life imprisonment sentences
The article deals with topical issues of assessing the psychological readiness of convicts with life sentences to release. A brief analysis of the positive experience of foreign countries in the issues of granting parole to prisoners sentenced to life sentence is given. The structure and substantive description of the psychological readiness of the personality of the convicted person for life imprisonment in the context of the realization of the right to parole is presented in sufficient detail. The analysis of the most typical statements of prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment, explaining their attitudes, due to a combination of factors that impede the process of re-socialization of this category of convicts. A set of topical issues arising from further support of life-sentenced prisoners in the process of preparing for release on parole and the actual implementation of the release procedure itself has been determined. The risk factors were thoroughly considered within the framework of the model of the system for assessing readiness for release of those sentenced to life imprisonment.
Keywords: psychological readiness; risk assessment; risk assessment criteria.
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