Corruption in the penal system
Manifestation of corruption relations in the government, and law enforcement in particular, imply very negative consequences that affect the law and order in the country and undermine confidence in the effectiveness of law enforcement activities, the ability to ensure the economic security of the country. The paper examines the main causes and the extent of corruption in the institutions and bodies of the correctional system, as well as the main ways of resistance.
Keywords: corruption; anti-corruption policy; the national anti-corruption plan; the correctional system.
Head of the Department of Economic Management and
Production in the Penal System of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics
of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Economics, Associate Professor
, e-mail
associate professor of economic management in prisons VIPE,
сandidate of Economic Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of
Natural Sciences
, e-mail
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