Study of social attitudes towards migrant of students in a departmental university
To study the social attitudes of students in higher education institutions of the Vologda region towards migrants a multidimensional typological approach was used. In the framework of this article is offered the author’s view on the creation of a methodology – a questionnaire on «Types of personality attitude towards migrants». The criteria of the author’s concept of this approach are integrity, consistency, basicity. The following methods were selected and tested: selection of psychological characteristics, their generalization, comparison and identification with the characteristics of the basic standard, identification of the profile of the quality studied, properties of the subject. In this work the following principles of the typological approach were applied: inductive-deductive research, «correctness» of partitioning a set into subsets, polar dichotomy, single polar dichotomous symmetry, formation of «dimensionality» in typology, orderliness, typological «inclusiveness», reference typological basis, isomorphism, semantic proximity, homomorphism, operationalization of the concept.
Keywords: целостность; системность; базисность; единая дихотомическая симметрия; многомерность; эталонный типологический базис; семантическая близость.
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