To the question of the concept of the Federal law «About the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation»
The article substantiates the need for legislative laying down the unified rules of lawmaking activity of the authorities by taking into account their sphere of jurisdiction and legal status, putting in order preparation processes, rules of adopting normative legal acts as state decisions, providing their accessibility and publicity during their application and execution. The author presents the structure of the Federal law “About the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation”, points to the necessity of the observance of the system connection and the succession of the normative legal acts of the authorities for strengthening principles of a legal, social and democratic state in the process of its reforming, implementation of the national programs in compliance with the most important trends of the country’s development under conditions of coming together governmental bodies with civil society institutions.
Keywords: concept; federal law; federal constitutional law; normative legal act; authorities; rulemaking process.
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