A Program for the Development of Moral and Psychological Stability in Security Division Officers of Correctional Institutions
Viktorova T.V., Zautorova E.V. A program for the development of moral and psychological stability in security division officers of correctional institutions. Penitentiary Science, 2020, vol. 14, no. 4 (52), pp. 528–533. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-4-592-595.
Addressing the issue concerning the development of moral and psychological stability in employees of security division of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is of major importance to the functioning of correctional institutions. We regard the development of moral and psychological stability as a process of consistent development of personal traits, including self-evaluation of professional and psychological readiness to act in emergency situations, a sense of confidence in the legality of the use of fire arms, the knowledge and skills required to respond adequately and adjust one’s emotional state when performing one’s duty; all these traits should help officers deal successfully with negative factors arising in the course of their service and use firearms lawfully. The topic of the paper is relevant, since there has been an increase in the number of violations related to officers’ non-compliance with the law. We have revealed that the level of moral and psychological stability in the majority of security division representatives (52.6%) is low: their sphere of emotional and volitional qualities is not developed; they do not have enough moral requirements and assessments, etc. In this regard, we have worked out a comprehensive target program, the goal of which is to form moral and psychological stability in security officers of correctional facilities in situations requiring the use of firearms. The program was implemented on the basis of correctional institutions in the Komi Republic Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The program is based on the principles of activity, research orientation and objectification (awareness) of officers’ behavior and includes 56 academic hours (lectures, group classes). In the course of its implementation, various psychological and pedagogical techniques were used to encourage high-quality performance of professional duties. The positive outcome of the program is observed in the fact that officers who use firearms in their work become fully equipped with relevant knowledge, skills and abilities. The skills they acquire are the basis for maintaining personal emotional balance and developing necessary professional qualities.
Keywords: corrections officers; activity of a security division; moral and psychological stability; formation of emotional stability; training techniques; program for the formation of moral and psychological qualities in an individual
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