On the Need to Develop Professional Competences in Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics in Corrections Officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Shatalov A.S., Akchurin A.V. On the need to develop professional competences in criminal procedure and criminalistics in corrections officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. Penitentiary Science, 2020, vol. 14, no. 4 (52), pp. 499–506. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-4-570-576.
The paper substantiates the idea that while performing law enforcement functions correctional institutions face the risks of illegal behavior on the part of those individuals who do not want to embark on the path of reformation. The most effective response to the facts of criminal acts committed by convicts is associated with the implementation of the principle of the inevitability of criminal punishment for such behavior. The speed of such a response is of paramount importance and depends on corrections officers themselves. The response can be effective only if officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (FSIN Russia) use the full range of procedural and criminalistic tools at their disposal. Based on the analysis of the criminal procedure status of institutions, bodies and officials of FSIN Russia and the content of their functional responsibilities, we make an attempt to find out whether corrections officers need criminalistic knowledge. We identify the main areas in which corrections officers demand criminalistic knowledge. These include: law enforcement (for direct use in the implementation of criminal procedure powers, as well as for indirect use in the implementation of their main activities aimed at the execution of criminal penalties), education (for training personnel for penal institutions and bodies), and research (for further elaboration on the issues related to the investigation of prison offences).
Keywords: correctional institutions; criminalistics; convicts; criminal process; prison-related crimes; investigation of crimes; Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
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