Criminal law measures and criminal liability: scientific discussion and search for solutions
Pudovochkin Yu.E. Criminal law measures and criminal liability: scientific discussion and searching for a solution. Penitentiary Science, 2020, vol. 14, no. 4 (52), pp. 460–472. DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-4-542-551.
The paper analyzes the content of scientific discourse on the relationship between criminal liability and criminal law measures and proves that the corresponding concepts are not subordinate and interchangeable. Criminal law measures are defined as legal means and normative structures established by law, which the state uses to respond to a crime. Criminal liability is defined as a real phenomenon, a special combination of criminal law measures implemented on the basis of a court sentence. The common feature of criminal liability and criminal law measures is that they can only be applied in case of commission of a crime. In this regard, measures imposed on persons who have committed a socially dangerous act before reaching the age of criminal liability or in a state of insanity should be excluded from the list of measures of a criminal legal nature. The difference between liability and criminal law measures is that liability requires official recognition of a person guilty of committing a crime, while criminal law measures can also be applied in the absence of a decision on guilt, when a person is exempt from criminal liability. Based on this, all criminal law measures are divided into two groups: a) measures applied outside the scope of liability, and b) measures that are part of liability. We give the nomenclature of each of them and identify promising opportunities for their expansion. In particular, the list of criminal law measures may be supplemented with community service, limited paid work, and administrative supervision.
Keywords: criminal liability; measures of a criminal-legal nature; criminal punishment; conditional conviction; criminal record; administrative supervision; criminallegal attitude
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