Тhe correlation between moral position and socio-psychological characteristics of the individual in the student age
Мazkina O. B. The correlation between moral position and socio-psychological characteristics of the individual in the student age. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(3):437–444. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-3-437-444.
The article reveals one of the fundamental problems of increased
theoretical and practical importance. We are talking about the study of the relationship
between the moral position of young men with their socio-psychological characteristics. Studying this problem on the example of students, the author distinguishes life-meaning
orientations and the professional self as the socio-psychological characteristics of their
personality. The article reflects the organization and the main results of the empirical
research carried out, the purpose of which was to test the hypothesis that there is a
relationship between the moral position and socio-psychological characteristics of the
personality in adolescence, namely: a higher level of formation of a moral position is
combined with a greater severity such socio-psychological characteristics of personality
in adolescence as life-meaning orientations and self-professional. Methods for collecting
empirical information are presented, including the author’s projective technique for
unfinished sentences, specially developed for research purposes as well as methods of
qualitative and quantitative, including statistical analysis, used in processing the results
(percentile normalization procedure, φ * criterion Fisher angular transformation, Pearson
correlation coefficient). The results partially confirm the hypothesis put forward: when
comparing the level of formation of the moral position and indicators on the scale “Goals
in life”, “Life performance”, “Locus control - I”, “Manageability of life” and indicators on the
scale “Assessment”, “Strength”, in a real image I am a professional and in an ideal image I
am a professional one can talk about the presence of a direct connection.
The problem of the moral education of young people is relevant, since the goal of
education is associated with the moral development of the individual, the formation of his
moral position, the need to find his own meanings of activity.
Keywords: moral position; social and psychological characteristics of university students
Lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Psychology of the Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russian Federation, PhD. in Pedagogics.
ORCID 0000-0002-0962-5379
, e-mail
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