Cultural conformity principle in specialists’ professional training in departmental educational organizations
Meshcheryakova E. I. Cultural conformity principle in specialists’ professional training in departmental educational organizations. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(3):425–431. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-3-425-431.
The problems of modern departmental education associated with
the formation of the professional culture of future specialists require the identification and
thoughtful study of the underlying contradictions, substantiation of the possibilities for their
resolution. The peculiarity of our research is that it was carried out on the basis and in the
context of three methodological approaches - culturological, axiological and hermeneutic.
The novelty of the research and the results obtained is related to its focus not so much on the
formation of personal and professional qualities of cadets, determined by the development
of their general culture, but on the formation of qualities that are especially important
for the development of the professional culture of future specialists, taking into account the
specifics of the upcoming law enforcement activities of graduates of educational institutions
of the Federal Penal Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Based on the results of the study as well as their implementation in educational
activities, relevant proposals have been formulated that make it possible to direct
the formation of the professional culture of future specialists in the direction of their
understanding of the humanistic content of the upcoming law enforcement activity, as well
as to the development of such personally significant qualities of law enforcement officers
that provide them moral stability under the influence of factors that cause professional and
moral degradation, among which there may be interaction with carriers of the penitentiary
Professional training of specialists in departmental educational organizations,
carried out in accordance with the principle of cultural conformity, will be successful
if: pedagogical conditions are created that direct educational activities to achieve
understanding by students of the peculiarities of the subculture of individual social
groups and their representatives – carriers of the subculture; methodological support of
classroom lessons has been created and used, and in the classroom, to achieve a kind
of «immersion» of students in a situation of law enforcement, including manifestations of
subculture, the advantages of traditional and innovative methods and means of teaching
are used; extracurricular educational work includes activities that reflect the peculiarities
of the subculture of objects for future law enforcement specialists.
Keywords: the principle of cultural conformity; penal subculture; formation of professional culture; pedagogical potential; methodological support; professional training
Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of
Russia, Voronezh, Russian Federation, Dsc, in Pedagogics, Professor.
ORCID 0000-0003-3726-5283
, e-mail
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