Features of the legal status of the prison church in modern Russia
The article aims to identify the potential for legislative registration of the status of a prison church due to the fact that at present the process of establishing a religious building in places of deprivation of liberty does not have a single legal regulation; there was only a common practice of cooperation between the territorial departments of the Federal Penal Service of Russia and local dioceses. In addition the article discusses the social and legal conditions and opportunities for the establishment of religious buildings in places of detention. They are due to the increase in the number of spirituals, the desire of the state to make religious life more organized and controlled. The prison church is a tool for the re-socialization of convicts as an element of the introduction of new forms of work. The need to establish a prison church is caused by the transition of the domestic penal system to international penitentiary standards, enshrining the requirement of respect for the rights of convicts to freedom of conscience and religion. Also there are analyzed legal acts regulating the creation of religious buildings in places of detention. On their basis the requirements (conditions) of creating a prison church are formulated. The most problematic issues of the legal regulation of the creation of a religious building in a correctional institution are reflected.
Keywords: confessional policy; prison church; the right of convicts to freedom of religion; religious organization; the functions of the prison church; prison church building; reasons for the construction of religious buildings; requirements for the establishment of a prison church.
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