Features of staffing correctional labor institutions in the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War
Izyumskaya I. L. Features of staffing correctional labor institutions in the Kuban during the Great Patriotic War. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(2):161–167. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-2-161-167.
The article discusses some aspects of the staffing correctional labor institutions of the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR for the Krasnodar Territory during the Great Patriotic War: staffing of correctional labor institutions of the Krasnodar Territory, problems of compliance with executive discipline, the role of staff of correctional labor institutions in ensuring production plans , features of political and educational work with the personnel of institutions and the organization of vocational training and retraining. Archival materials of the Federal Penal Service of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory of the Great Patriotic War were analyzed, and a conclusion was drawn about the shortage of qualified personnel in connection with the mobilization of employees in the Red Army. The author connects the negative manifestations (increase in the number of shoots, negligence of certain officials, gross violations of guard duty, hazing with convicts, etc.) that took place in the system of correctional labor institutions, mainly with the staff problem, which was one of the main difficulties in solving the main task facing correctional institutions during the war years – the implementation of production plans. Another important area was the mass educational work with personnel, which was most actively carried out since 1943, after the end of the Nazi occupation of the Kuban. One of the key areas in the personnel work of wartime is the system of vocational training and retraining. The search for effective organizational and pedagogical methods for the functioning of the system of educational institutions reasonably led to the reorganization of the available prison staff of the Main Directorate of the NKVD Camps, which was able to successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, both in wartime and in peacetime. In conclusion the author concludes that the system of vocational training and retraining of prison staff in the process of performance is still an essential element of the penal system.
Keywords: Great Patriotik War; correctional labor institutions; staffing; political and educational work; vocational training system
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