Improvement of the qualified staff selection for recruitment in the penal system
The article considers the system of selection of candidates for service in the institution of the penal system, analyzes the quantitative and qualitative composition of its certified staff. It describes major shortcomings in the selection procedure from the point of view of formation of its stages. The need for developing specific requirements for professional and personal qualities of a future employee is justified. Directions of improvement of the system of selection of candidates for service in the penal system are developed.
Keywords: the procedure of selection of candidates for service in the penal system; professional and personal model; preliminary examination of candidates for service in the penal system.
Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Management
and Production Organization in the Penal System of the Vologda Institute of Law
and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Ph.D. in Economics,
Associate Professor
, e-mail
5th year Student of the Engineering and Economic Faculty
of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of
, e-mail
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