Peculiarities of contractual relations in the sphere of rendering services of third parts for the needs of the penal system
he subject of the research of this article are provisions of the modern russian legislation, regulating contractual relations in the sphere of services for the needs of the penal system by persons who are not participants of penal offences as well as the law enforcement acts of arbitration courts. According to the results of the study the authors identified and classified the following features of contractual relations in the sphere of services by third parties for the needs of penal service:1) features related to the belonging of the relevant institutions and bodies to the system of public authorities, their inclusion in the budget system (contract form of signing contract; an expanded list of essential terms of the contract; the specifics of the content, procedure for establishing and application of the terms of the responsibility of the parties to the contract; additional requirements to the condition of validity of the contract for the provision of services for the needs of the penal service on the subject composition (in addition to the positive applies a negative requirement – the absence of the will of the parties of personal interest in the conclusion and execution of the contract); restriction of contractual freedom in terms of changes in the essential terms of the contract); 2) special requirements for certain types of contracts for the provision of services related to the specifics of the bodies and institutions of the penal service activities (to the contract of communication services; to the contract of medical services). The conclusions presented in the article can be used in law enforcement practice, as well as the basis for further scientific research of the civil status of the bodies and institutions of the penal service.
Keywords: unpaid services; provision of services for the penal system; government contract; communication services; medical services.
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