About the need for disciplinary arrest as an effective instrument for legal action on convicted to deprivation of liberty persons in the period of preparing them for discharge
The article considers possibilities of application of disciplinary arrest for convicts that are serving their sentences in the prison, as a new type of penalty, which is aimed at maintenance of established order in penitentiary institutions and contributes to resocialization of convicts and to reduce the level of recurrent criminality.
Keywords: administrative arrest; disciplinary arrest; the convicted person; the resocialisation; correctional institution; prevention of crimes.
Senior Officer for particularly important cases of the
Operations Devision of the Regional Office of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
in the Krasnoyarsk territory;
, e-mail
Lecturer and adjunct of the Department of criminal process
and criminalistics and operatively-search activity of the Vologda Institute of Law
and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
, e-mail
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4 Sm.: SZ RF. 2010. № 43. St. 5544.
2 Sm.: Tam zhe. 1997. № 2. St. 198.
3 Sm.: Zubkova V.I. Ispolnenie lishenija svobody v celjah
resocializacii osuzhdennyh: problemy i perspektivy razvitija //
Vestnik instituta: prestuplenie, nakazanie, ispravlenie. 2013.
№ 2 (22). S. 24–29.
4 Sm.: SZ RF. 2010. № 43. St. 5544.