Goals of the criminal responsibility during the realization of the deferment of sentence (art. 82 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation)
The approaches to the content of the goals of the criminal responsibility are viewed in the article. The author comes to conclusion of the necessity of their allocation depending on the stage of the criminal responsibility. Also the author`s attitude to the problem is given in the article. The ratio of the goals of the criminal responsibilities and the objectives of the postponement of the punishment serving (art. 82 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation) is researched. It is said that within the postponing sentence the purposes of the criminal responsibility are achieved by very specific tools that depend on the moment the convicted is given his postponing sentence. The author believes that the granting of the deferral of the punishment to a woman that gave a birth to a child during the sentence serving does not suit the child`s interests in most cases.
Keywords: goals; punishment; criminal responsibility; postponing sentence; imprisonment.
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