Alternatives to imprisonment on legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Tajikistan
The article discusses alternatives to the existing and anticipated future consolidation in criminal and penal codes of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan. It examies the recommendations of international standards in this area. The paper makes proposals and recommendations which, according to the authors, could be considered in the development of new codes in these Central Asian states as well as in the Russian legislation. Including there are made suggestions on the organization of the probation service.
Keywords: criminal penalties; imprisonment; alternatives to imprisonment; the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Tajikistan; the probation service
oni nazvany merami ugolovno-pravovogo vozdejstvija, a v
UK Respubliki Tadzhikistan – merami ugolovno-pravovogo
2 Pod meroj ugolovno-pravovogo haraktera (vozdejstvija) v
nastojashhej stat'e ponimaetsja gosudarstvenno-prinuditel'nyj
rezhim, predusmotrennyj ugolovnym zakonom za sovershenie
prestuplenija, vyrazhennyj v vide ogranichenij prav i svobod
osuzhdennyh i naznachaemyj sudom vmesto nakazanija ili
dal'nejshego ego otbyvanija.
3 Rekomendatel'nyj zakonodatel'nyj akt, prinjat
postanovleniem Mezhparlamentskoj assamblei gosudarstv –
uchastnikov Sodruzhestva Nezavisimyh Gosudarstv
17.02.1996 g. v g. Sankt-Peterburge.