Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
On some directions of improving the educational process with convicts in penal institutions
Currently for many domestic facilities the issue of shortage of workers has become
topical. It seems that this problem can be partially solved by able-bodied citizens who are
in places of detention. It is noted that a large number of convicts do not have a secondary
education as well as a profession or specialty. In this regard the authors analyzed the
most relevant areas of the educational process in correctional institutions in order to
identify the conditions for the professional self-determination of convicts and their basic
preparation for the development of working professions. In the context of the problem
under consideration the main mechanism can be educational work carried out by prison
staff with convicts, focused on a differentiated and integrated approach. The individual
form of work will allow the convicts to form moral, physical and labor qualities to achieve
material benefits through their education and work. It is important that for effective
educational work from the initial stage of being in the quarantine unit, the convicted
person must be given psychological support and outlined his future perspective in
getting an education, choosing the working specialty. Attention is focused on building the
necessary interaction with the employment service with the ability to find a job after being
released from prison. The analysis of the regulatory literature regulating the organization
of the educational process of convicts was carried out. The conclusion was made that
the educational process in correctional institutions should be implemented taking into
account the further improvement of educational and psychological work through effective
interaction between the heads of the units, psychologists, school teachers and masters
of vocational schools.
Keywords: educational process; convict; professional education; labor education; resocialization; penal institution
Head of the Department for the Organization of Personnel, Social, Psychological and Educational Work of the Tomsk Advanced
Training Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Psychology
, e-mail
Senior Lecturer of the Department for the Organization of Personnel, Social, Psychological and Educational Work of the Tomsk Advanced Training Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Pedagogics.
, e-mail
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