System of state service in the law enforcement area and its administrative and legal content
The article considers the theoretical and applied actual problem of determining the essence and content of the state service in the law enforcement sphere, its administrative and legal nature and content. It is concluded that in modern conditions the administrative legislation on state service in the law enforcement area does not fully meet the needs of state-legal development of the modern Russia. The position on the need to create an independent institution of state service in the law enforcement area along with existing civil and military civil service is substantiated. An exemplary list of federal executive bodies is given, the state service in which has signs of law enforcement.
Keywords: administrative and legal regulation; state service; law enforcement area; state service system; functional environment.
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8 V dannom sluchae i v dal’nejshem rech’ idet ob ispolnitel’noj
dejatel’nosti v oblasti ispolnenija reshenij sudov i inyh organov
administrativnoj jurisdikcii po delam ob administrativnyh