Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Differentiation and individualization of execution imprisonment when changing the type of correctional institution
The article deals with the issues of differentiation and individualization of the execution
of punishment in the form of imprisonment when changing the type of correctional
institution, problems in the legislative framework and practice of applying the procedure
and grounds for changing the type of correctional institution, comparing the specified
institution of the penal law with incentives and penalties. The main requirements are
analyzed, which should underlie the change in the scope of restrictions and deprivations
constituting the content of the sentence of imprisonment when changing the type
of correctional institution and the place of serving the sentence. It is noted that the
perfection of legislative consolidation of the legal mechanisms under consideration has
a direct impact on the achievement of the goals of punishment. The system of places
of imprisonment in Russia has historically developed in the direction of increasing the
differentiation of punishment in relation to various categories of convicts, reducing the
proportion of judicial discretion. These trends are reflected in both the Criminal Code
of the Russian Federation and the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. The types
of correctional institutions are a concrete expression of the compulsory nature of
punishment in the form of imprisonment, its content, which in turn is expressed in various
kinds of restrictions on the rights and freedoms of the convicted person, which in general
constitute the degree of his isolation from society. Therefore, a change in the type of
correctional institution must mean a change in the degree and nature of the coercive
influence on the person sentenced to imprisonment, the extent of restriction of his rights
and freedoms. However the issues of determining the degree of correction of convicts
are of particular importance, which requires detailed and precise legislative fixation.
Keywords: differentiation and individualization of the execution of sentence; imprisonment; changing the type of correctional institution; degree of correction
Associate Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law.
, e-mail
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