Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
Board of guardians as a form of interaction and public control in the Russian penal system (historical and legal aspects)
The research of subjects and forms of public participation in the activities of the penal
system of Russia has recently received considerable attention. The article studies the
formation and development of the institution of guardianship as a form of interaction and
public control over the activities of penal institutions.
For two centuries with some interruptions guardianship was not only present in the
system of execution of criminal sentences, contributed to the achievement of state
objectives, but also exercised control functions. The study allows us to assess the
significance and effectiveness of the activities of the boards of guardians over the entire
period of its existence. Currently there is a significant decrease in the level of this type of
interaction, and in some institutions its complete absence. The current level of organization
and authority does not allow the the guardianship to develop. This is confirmed by the
analysis of the regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the boards of guardians in
the institutions of the penal system, the data of the survey of employees in the institutions.
Keywords: penal system; public control: interaction; board of guardians
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Law.
, e-mail
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