Legal basis for implementation of the comprehensive assessment system professional employment activity in the bodies and institutions of the penal system
Korepina A. V. Legal basis for implementation of the comprehensive assessment system professional employment activity in the bodies and institutions of the penal system. Penitenciarnaya nauka = Penitentiary Science. 2020; 14(2):238–244. (In Russ.). DOI 10.46741/2686-9764-2020-14-2-238-244.
The improvement of the quality of public administration of the penal system is directly related to the improvement of its human resources. In modern conditions the solution of this problem largely depends on the introduction of modern personnel technologies in the formation of personnel of bodies and institutions of the penal system. Introduced in the 90s at the stage of formation of the new russian statehood, the methods of recruitment of state bodies, to date, do not allow to objectively assess the professional qualities of civil servants (candidates for civil servants). New ways of determining the compliance of persons with the tasks set by the state before the bodies and institutions of the penal system in the field of personnel policy are required. There are quite a lot of methods of improving the personnel policy in the public service offered in the legal environment. Many of them have long been introduced into the practice of organizing the selection of civil servants and are being successfully implemented. However, some methods require more legal and organizational training. These include – a comprehensive assessment of the professional activities of civil servants. In this regard the article analyzes the possibility of implementation and features of the procedure of new personnel technology – a comprehensive assessment of the activities of employees of bodies and institutions of the penal system. The author proposes draft documents that are necessary for legal support of the procedure of this personnel technology.
Keywords: comprehensive assessment civil servants; bodies and institutions of the penal system; professionalism of civil servants; effectiveness of public service; modern personnel technologies
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