Journal section JURISPRUDENCE
The mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of the civil service in law enforcement and its content
The article analyzes the main theoretical approaches to understanding the nature and
content of the main elements of the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation
of civil service in law enforcement. The author justifies the position that with a wide
understanding this mechanism form the administrative legal norms, administrative
legal relations and the implementation of administrative legal norms as well as legal
consciousness, legal culture, legal ideology, acts of behavior, etc.
In a more narrow sense the content of the administrative-legal mechanism of the
civil service in the law enforcement sphere is reduced to a set of administrative legal
means (administrative law, law enforcement acts, administrative contracts, legal facts,
subjective rights and obligations of participants in administrative legal relations, methods
and techniques of public administrative influence), with the help of which a special legal
administrative and legal regulation of the state civil relations in the field of law enforcement.
Keywords: administrative and legal regulation; administrative and legal relations; administrative law; civil service; law enforcement; law enforcement agencies
Professor of the Department of
Administrative Law Disciplines of the Law Faculty of the
Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal
Service of Russia, Dsc. in Law, Associate Professor, Honorary
Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian
, e-mail
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kand. yurid. nauk [Administrative contract and its use in the activities of the internal affairs bodies : the author’s abstract of
the diss. ... PhD. in Law]. Moscow, 1997. 23 p. (In Russ.).
2. Administrativnoe pravo : ucheb. / pod red. A. E. Luneva [Administrative law : textbook : ed. by A. E. Lunev]. Moscow, 1971.
240 p. (In Russ.).
3. Administrativnoe pravo Rossii : kurs lekcij / pod red. N. YU. Hamanevoj [Administrative law of Russia : lecture course : ed.
by N. Yu. Hamaneva]. Moscow, 2008. 704 p. (In Russ.).
4. Alekhin A. P., Karmolickij A. A., Kozlov YU. M. Administrativnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii : ucheb. [Alekhin A.P.,
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5. Bahrah D. N. Administrativnoe pravo. CHast’ obshchaya : ucheb. [Bakhrah D. N. Administrative law. Common part :
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6. Bulavin S. P., CHernikov V. V. Pravovoj status sotrudnika policii [Bulavin S.P., Chernikov V.V. Legal Status of a Police
Officer]. Adm. pravo i process – Administrative law and process. 2011. Iss. 9. P. 2–10. (In Russ.).
7. Ioffe O. S., SHargorodskij M. D. Voprosy teorii prava [Questions of the Theory of Law]. Moscow, 1961. 381 p. (In Russ.).
8. Korenev A. P. Normy administrativnogo prava i ih primenenie [Norms of administrative law and their application]. Moscow,
1978. 142 p. (In Russ.).
9. Korenev A. P., Abdurahmanov A. A. Administrativnye dogovory: ponyatie i vidy [Administrative contracts: concept and
types]. ZHurn. ros. prava – Journal of Russian law. 1998. Iss. 7. P. 83–90. (In Russ.).
10. MVD Rossii zanyalo pervoe mesto v rejtinge korrumpirovannosti [The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia took the first
place in the ranking of corruption]. Availablе at:
(accessed 25.02.2019). (In Russ.).
11. Nikolaeva L. A. Obzor literatury po sovetskomu administrativnomu pravu za period 1959–1961 gg. [Review of literature
on Soviet administrative law for the period 1959–1961]. Pravovedenie – Jurisprudence. 1962. Iss. 3. P. 153–158. (In Russ.).
12. Ob organizacii deloproizvodstva i poryadke raboty s obrashcheniyami grazhdan v central’nom apparate i podchinennyh
podrazdeleniyah MVD Rossii : prikaz MVD Rossii ot 01.03.1999 № 150 [On the organization of office work and the procedure
for working with citizens in the central office and subordinate units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia : Order of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 01.03.1999 No. 150]. Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus».
(In Russ.).
13. Ob utverzhdenii Instrukcii po deloproizvodstvu v Federal’noj sluzhbe ispolneniya nakazanij : prikaz Minyusta Rossii ot
16.08.2007 № 166 [On approval of the Instruction on clerical work in the Federal Penal Service : Order of the Ministry of
Justice of Russia from 16.08.2007 No. 166]. Access from the reference legal system «ConsultantPlus». (In Russ.).
14. Obshchestvennye organizacii v SSSR (nekotorye politicheskie i organizacionno-pravovye aspekty) [Public organizations
in the USSR (some political, organizational and legal aspects)]. Moscow, 1972. 216 p. (In Russ.).
15. Osnovnye rezul’taty prokurorskoj deyatel’nosti v 2018 godu [The main results of prosecution activities in 2018]. Availablе
at: www. (accessed 25.02.2019). (In Russ.).
16. Petrov G. I. Sovetskoe administrativnoe pravo. CHast’ obshchaya [Soviet administrative law. Common part]. Leningrad,
1970. 304 p. (In Russ.).
17. Savostin A. A. Metody administrativno-pravovogo regulirovaniya i upravleniya (ponyatie, sushchnost’, klassifikacii) :
monogr. [Methods of administrative regulation and management (concept, essence, classifications) : monograph].
Moscow, 2004. 89 p. (In Russ.).
18. Smirnov V. V. Akty organov ispolnitel’noj vlasti sub»ektov Rossijskoj Federacii : avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk [Acts of
the Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation : the author’s abstract of the diss. ... PhD. in Law]. St.
Petersburg, 2001. 26 p. (In Russ.).
19. Sorokin V. V. Sovest’ v mekhanizme pravovogo regulirovaniya: voprosy teorii [Conscience in the mechanism of legal
regulation: theoretical issues]. Ros. yusticiya – Russian justice. 2010. Iss. 1. P. 62–65. (In Russ.).
20. Starilov YU. N. Kurs obshchego administrativnogo prava : v 3 t. [The course of general administrative law : in 3 vol.].
Moscow, 2002. Vol. 1. 728 p. (In Russ.).
21. Starilov YU. N. Pravovye akty upravleniya: ponyatie, priznaki, znachenie i funkcii [Legal acts of management: concept,
characteristics, meaning and functions]. Vestn. Voronezh. gos. un-ta – Bulletin of Voronezh State University. 2000. Iss. 1.
P. 129–152. (In Russ.).
22. Studenikin S. S. Sovetskaya administrativno-pravovaya norma i ee primenenie : avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk [Soviet
rule of administrative law and its application : the author’s abstract of the diss. ... Dsc. in Law]. Moscow, 1949. 48 p. (In
23. Studenikina M. S. Normativnye pravovye akty upravleniya kak forma realizacii ispolnitel’noj vlasti [Regulatory legal acts
of management as a form of realization of the executive power]. Adm. pravo i process – Administrative law and process.
2014. Iss. 2. P. 6–11. (In Russ.).