Organization of group forms of educational work with juvenile convicts in educational colonies in Russia and Belarus
Educational work with convicts is a tool of correcting them, which is enshrined in the
penal codes of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Currently there are
various classifications of this work forms. Individual, group and mass forms of educational
work with convicts are enshrined in the Penal Code of RF. The Belarusian legislator does
not pursue the goal to regulate all forms and methods of its organization since this activity
is of a pedagogical nature.
Currently priority is given to individual forms of educational work with juvenile convicts
in correctional institutions. At the same time group forms have enormous potential. The
result of a correctly conducted work with a group of pupils may be a team characterized by
the unity of the organization and psychological community. The need to use group forms
of educational work is also due to the age characteristics of convicts.
The article discusses various forms of educational work used in Russia and Belarus,
focuses on specific forms such as meetings of collective councils and their sections, the
preparation of collective and individual labor commitments, contests and meetings of the
best workers and exemplary behavior, rationalizers and inventors, etc.
Keywords: educational work; juvenile convict; educational colony; penal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus
Associate Professor of the Department of Penal Law and Organization of Educational Work with Convicts of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
, e-mail
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments of the Psychological Support Unit of the Correction Process Organization of the Penal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.
, e-mail
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