Ecological education of convicts in prison
Modern conditions in which a person lives are characterized by thoughtless consumption
of natural resources, worsening the state of the environment and human health, due to the
established lifestyle, needs and behavior. In order not to make environmental mistakes,
not to create situations that are dangerous for health and life, a modern person should have
basic ecological knowledge and a new ecological type of thinking and have a high level
of ecological culture. This can be achieved only by education. Environmental education
is closely related to social education, education, enlightenment, training, self-education
and is aimed at developing environmental responsibility and personal qualities such as
self-control, the ability to predict the immediate and distant results of their actions in the
natural environment, a critical attitude towards themselves and others.
Formation of environmental values of convicts in places of detention becomes one of the
areas of educational work, aimed to develop responsibility for the world, instill an interest
in the knowledge of nature and its interaction with society, to realize the need to protect it.
The main components of the personality’s ecological culture are: human knowledge about
nature, its correlations, correlations of society and nature, ways of preserving and helping
the natural environment; interest in nature and the problem of its protection; positive
diverse activities aimed at the preservation and multiplication of nature, decent behavior
in the human environment; motifs that determine actions of children in nature (cognitive,
sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, etc.). Formation of environmental values in convicts is
possible in the process of purposefully organized, resocializing, educational activities in
the classroom on natural cycle subjects in secondary school, participation in thematic
evenings, interactive environmental events, watching and discussing documentaries
on environmental issues, visiting virtual environmental excursions, reading books and
magazines about nature, preparing for holidays and participating in them as well as
growing flowers , shrubs, work in the garden.
At present a positive experience has been gained in the environmental education
of convicted prisoners. The article describes the experience of increasing the level of
environmental development in convicted correctional colonies of the Vologda, Omsk,
and Sverdlovsk regions. Inclusion of convicts in various types of environmental activities
will contribute to expanding their horizons, raising the general cultural level, developing
cognitive and creative abilities.
Keywords: places of detention; correctional process; convicts; educational work; environmental education; forms of environmental education of convicts
Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology and
Pedagogics of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penal Service of Russia, Dsc. in Pedagogics, Professor, Member-correspondent of the
International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education
, e-mail
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