Characteristics of the psychological well-being of the staff in the penal system, implementing professional activities in direct interaction with convicts
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the psychological well-being
of the staff of the penal system, directly interacting with convicts in the process of official
activity. The hypothesis of the study was made by the assumption that long-term contact
with an aggressive contingent towards the staff of the special contingent is one of the
main factors affecting their psychological well-being. Autonomy of personality, ability to
control the environment, tendencies to personal growth, the presence of clear goals in
life and self-acceptance are considered as the main personal structures that ensure the
maintenance of psychological well-being. The main indicator of the psychological wellbeing of the staff of the penal system was the level of their socio-psychological adaptation.
The attributes of the personality necessary for strengthening this state in persons directly
interacting with convicts during the professional activities considered the fullness and
altruistic orientation of their life values.
An analysis of the data obtained has led to the conclusion that employees who have
long-term contact with convicts are more in need of assistance in maintaining and
strengthening psychological well-being. The main direction of work of a psychologist with
them should be the spiritual and moral education of the individual.
Keywords: psychological well-being; socio-psychological adaptation; experiences; mental stability of personality; employees of the penitentiary system, directly interacting with convicts
Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Organization of Psychological Service in the Penal System of the Vologda Institute of Law and Economics the Federal Penal Service of Russia, PhD. in Psychology.
, e-mail
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